An Unexpected Meeting

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Chapter 3: An Unexpected Meeting


'I can't believe they didn't have the vanilla extract brand that auntie wanted! Ugh, she'll be up in a fit for sure...' I sighed, idly swinging the bag of groceries while being careful not to jostle the one with the eggs. Auntie usually goes bulk shopping at the end of each week, but we would occasionally run out of certain ingredients in the middle of it. It doesn't help that we've been quite busy lately and though I'm happy that auntie and uncle's bakery is getting more popular, my arms were starting to get sore from kneading dough and mixing batter all the time!

'I'm doing weight training even on my off days from the gym it seems.' I mused, flexing my arm a bit. It's at times like these where I'm glad for the cardiovascular conditioning that Mr. Kwon's been teaching me. It's exhausting as hell, but has proved to be unexpectedly useful for things outside of training, i.e: carrying groceries! 'Hehe! I bet I can open any pickle jar no problem now!'

That little thrum of pride helped sweeten my mood that was soured with having to go emergency shopping right as school ended instead of immediately going home to continue hyper fixating on this new series I've discovered. I knew not to ignore a "request" (Read: order) from auntie, but this was seriously cutting into my "Me" time and-

"hhhHHHEEE-?!" I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight that greeted me as I rounded the corner. Three strikingly familiar figures clad in strikingly familiar uniforms had me back peddling and plastering myself against the wall in a flash.

"Oh my gosh is that-?!" I strangled out in an effort to keep my voice low when I really just wanted to scream because holy moly I could've sworn those were the guys from Eunjang! Huh? Huh? It couldn't be them, right? Right?!

I gulped, heart feeling like it was lodged in my throat. It's been several days since I've last seen the guys from the underpass fight in particular, even when I would pass by their school on the way to the gym. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised though, considering that we're all in Norayangjin, but still! I wasn't expecting to see them again, let alone so soon!

It took a bit of nerve to peak out from the wall to get a better look at the three guys. Crap, that was them alright. If I remember correctly, it seemed to be Ben Park, his friend Alex, and Gerard.

Scanning the area some more, I relaxed significantly when I saw that Gray guy wasn't around. I'm...embarrassed to admit that I've developed something of a phobia of him. Out of all the guys that were at that underpass, he made the biggest (and most frightening) impression on me. I lowkey couldn't even look at the color grey without my fight or flight instincts kicking in for the first day or two after the fight. Some may call me excessively paranoid, but I'd say I was rightfully cautious! M-Man's was scary okay...!

I watched as they gathered around one of those punching machines to measure your strength. Alex, who was closest, reared his arm back before letting his fist fly with an energized "HERE I GO-!"

He hit the red punching pad with a solid WHOCK, the machine quickly beeping to life and counting the score.

'Whoa, he got '870'!' I marveled, having never seen a score that high on that thing before. From what I saw from last week's fight, Alex did seem like he had a solid punch. The power behind them was really no joke...

Alex proudly snickered as Ben flexed his arm with a smirk. "'870'? C'mon man, you cutting or something?" he laughed, looking eager to beat his friend's score. I watched him walk up to the machine with anxious anticipation. Now Alex was strong in his own right, don't get me wrong, but Ben Park seemed to be on a whole level of his own. Just one fight was enough to tell me that.

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