Coffee or Tea?

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Chapter 4: Coffee or Tea?


The Ring! Ring! of the pool hall door chimed as I walked in. There weren't many people in at the moment, though the sight of some Eunjang students made me a little nervous. Thankfully, they just gave me a passing glance before going back to their game.

"Oh hey, it's you!" A cheery, feminine voice called out and I turned to see the receptionist grinning at me. "You're that girl, right? The one who had the messed-up bike chain?"

"Oh! Uh, yes that was me." I nodded, though I was a little taken aback. "I'm uh, a little surprise you remember that."

"Of course! It isn't often that we get female students who come here." She laughed, laying her chin on her propped-up hand. "I have to say, it was a breath of fresh air from all the rowdy boys that usually show up."

"Oof, sounds rough..." I muttered, resisting the urge to look over at the Eunjang guys. I can only imagine how much of a hassle it would be to deal with a bunch of delinquents like them on a daily basis. She had much more will power than I did, that's for sure.

"Tell me about it." She rolled her eyes before leveling me with a friendly smile (oh man, she had a really pretty smile. Heck, a really pretty everything!). "But anyway, what can I do for you hun? Are you here to play a couple of games or something? No offense, but I didn't take you for a pool player."

"No, I'm not here to play anything! I'm uh..." I flushed, fiddling with the bag of cookies behind my back. Oh gosh, now that I was standing in front of her and all, I was suddenly really nervous! Would it be weird to just give her these cookies out of the blue like this? It would be weird right? I meant it as a show of gratitude, but now I wasn't so sure...

The receptionist blinked curiously at me for a moment and my fidgeting increased ten-fold. Yep, yep, yep! This was a "Bad Idea™". Terrible really. Honestly, what was I thinking I should just quickly end this conversation and never return-

"Hey, what's that behind your back?"


She flinched back at my shout while the Eunjang guys gave me weirded out or annoyed looks. I swore my face practically exploded with heat as I ducked my head and jerkily lifted my arm that held the cookies.

"Cookies...I uh, made thanks for bike."

The receptionist blinked for a moment before pointing a finger at herself. "You made them for me?"

Not trusting myself to avoid saying something stupid again, I just nodded mutely. I swear, as soon as she either took or rejected these cookies I was gonna book it!

The receptionist looked between the cookies and I for a nerve-wracking moment before a blessedly bright smile shone on her face.

"Aww, you didn't have to do that!" She cheered, reaching over to take the bag from my hands. "It was just a little chain issue. No biggie!"

Seeing that she seemed more pleased than weirded out at the gift, I began to relax. Whew, thank the stars! "H-Hehe, I just wanted to show my gratitude! I don't know the first thing about fixing bikes, so you really helped me out back then." And saved me some money from possibly having to go to a shop and get it fixed, so double yay for that!

"Well, I'm glad I could help!"

Ring! Ring!

We all stopped, eyes immediately going towards whoever had just entered. It appeared to be a guy around my age with eye-catching peach-colored hair and blue eyes. After a few seconds of looking him over though, I noticed something about him that set off alarm bells in my head.

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