My Home

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Seokmin look at Seungkwan who occupy the chair infront of him. He was at the veranda of their apartment quietly appreciating the rose quartz and serenity sky infront of him. To be honest, that time his mind is clear. He's not thinking about anything particular. He sipped the glass of beer that's already lukewarm just by sitting infront of him not being touched. He's not in the mood for alcohol but he felt he look miserable when he sit there without something to drink, "Weird", he thought. Seungkwan is with his usual iced americano. He follow the direction Seokmin looking at before walking in.

"The sky is beautiful." he commented. Seokmin put his glass down and look at the sky again.


"And life is beautiful. Yours particularly." Seungkwan continue.

"Huh?" Seokmin can't follow where the conversation goes.

"It's beautiful you found someone who will love you equally how you love them."

Seokmin look at Seungkwan intently, the glimpse of pain in his eyes are visible. "Is something wrong?" he's worried. Seungkwan is never this vulnerable specially infront of him so he knew whatever he is going through right now, it's beyond hard.

"Hyung, you need to take care of something while they were yours. Because not everyone was given a chance to."

"No." Seokmin said. Avoiding Seungkwan's face. "Sometimes it's not enough that you love each other."

"It will always be enough. You just have to trust the love you two have got." Seungkwan answered back. "And no, It will never be easy. Or maybe you're right, it's not enough that you just love each other, you also need to trust that love."

"I trust him but I can't trust myself." Seokmin look down to the glass of beer infront of him. "Am I enough? I mean, was my love enough?"

"That's something that you can't ask yourself to be burden. You trust his love, it's his duty to trust yours. Let him do that work." Seokmin look at Seungkwan. "It's enough that you trust his love. That is the reason why relationship is for two people. You need to work together."

"Am I hard to love?"

"Huh?" Seungkwan stop sipping from his coffee with his drink.

"I'm full of worried. I.. I can't stop worrying about little things. What if, what if he can't stand that?"

"What if he can?"

"I'm serious."

"I am, too." Seungkwan place his cup down the table and look at him intently. "What if he is the one who can understand your worries. You've been together, did he ever make you feel that there is something to worry about? If he did, did he, by any chance make you feel worried alone?"


"See. You can be worried all you want but it felt good to be worried while you were in his arms, right?" Seungkwan pointed out. "To answer your question, if you were hard to love? It will never be hard for someone who truly loves you."


"Hey," Joshua look at the person who occupy the space beside him. He's in his house so there's no need for him to be shocked. He's now sharing his apartment with Jeonghan again. But this time, it's not only the two of them. Seungcheol been in and out of his apartment more than their dorm. He really want to question universe why they've given him some insensitive friend who will show their affection infront of him while he is mending his broken heart. "Still no news from him?" Jeonghan grab the can of beer on his hand. He snatched it back.

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