First Night, Again?

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Seungkwan look at Seokmin's reflection at the mirror, he's smiling while looking at his phone. In love people, he thought. "If someone will see you like that they will probably think you were crazy." Seungkwan can't help commenting. He goes back on his phone to continue playing.

"Well, I already am." Seokmin who is glued to his phone as well answers without looking back to the person who is teasing him.

"At least, you were aware." Seungkwan shrugged. All of his band members have struggled with their love life, at least one is happy. "So, you were officially dating?" Seungkwan innocently asks. His head is bowed to his phone, his finger is busy tapping the screen as his life will depend on it.

"Well..." Seokmin answered clearing his throat.

"Well, what?" Seungkwan shot back.

"Do we have to declare if we were officially dating, I mean, we never talked about it."

"You've been sleeping together and never talked about this, what are you? Fuck buddies?" Seungkwan saw how shocked Seokmin was about what he said. Seokmin looks around and checks if there is someone there that might hear his words.

"Yeah, watch your words. You're younger than me, it's not nice to hear that from someone younger than me." Seokmin's eyes almost pop out from its socket on how he stares at Seungkwan.

"Hyung, this is not about my age. But at least, you two have commitments about your relationship. You can't just fuck every night and then you don't know your place in the daytime." Seungkwan fix his posture and put down his phone to look at Seokmin. "I know you're new with this. I know you like him. Does he says he likes you back when you confess?" Seokmin just avoid his gaze. "See. He didn't so, it is right to demand that conversation. It's not being clingy. You need to know where you stand." Seungkwan says with full of affirmation. Seokmin fall from deep thought, not long after they were cued for the performance they were scheduled. He'll make sure he and Joshua will talk about this matter in the future. But for now, what matters most is, he's happy.


"You look happy." Joshua lifts his head from reading a document in front of him with a smile but the truth is his attention is not on the document he is reading. His mind is with the last text message Seokmin sent him. Asking him if he Was free on Saturday and he want to meet. From that time when they pick Myungho up at the restaurant most of the time the other is clinging to Myungho's apartment to look after him. He doesn't like it but he needs to understand, he will probably like that if Jeonghan or Seungcheol were involved. Speaking of Jeonghan, yes, he is here again. On his office, comfortably sitting on his office, killing time like he is a bum. Well, speaking, he is.

"You've got nothing to do?" Joshua asks ignoring Jeonghan's comment. He put down the document and put his hand on his chin looking at Jeonghan straight. "I never thought you'll get bored like this. You like being at home and just lying around."

"My back hurts by lying for days." Jeonghan says then lies on his back using his hand as a pillow on his sofa.

"But you were just lying here as well."

"It is different from bed, so it's different."

Joshua shakes his head and approaches him, occupying the chair nearby. "What do you want to do? I'm free now, I can be yours. Just promise me you won't bother me on Saturday until I bother you again. Cool?" Jeonghan looks at him like he's killing him inside his head.

"The way you told me you're mine. I feel like I'm going to throw up." Jeonghan closes his eyes and fixes his position. "I miss him more that's why I'm here," he confesses. Joshua knew it. He knew that Jeonghan just want to get rid of his sadness which is why he's around.

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