My first

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Seokmin checks the address from inside his car. It's more like a shabby karaoke bar somewhere in the middle of the city where the place doesn't stand out. Well, at least they were more considerate, he thinks. His friends from his old town visit Seoul and ask him over. He doesn't consider them friends anyway. He was just too kind to decline them, that's it. Letting out a big sigh.  He parked the car somewhere nearby, he was wearing his casual attire. He makes sure that he won't stand out. In the industry he's been for years, covering and all make you stand out more. Making sure that his car is locked, Seokmin go straight inside the video place and looks for the room that was reserved for them. He's the only one that is missing since he needs to finish the recording that's scheduled that day.

This is the first time that he meet someone outside his work. He feels nervous though he has been friends with this people before, more on being acquaintance rather. He's so busy looking for the room number when he bump into someone. He immediately bow ninety degree to apologize. "Sorry." but the guy he bump to just passed by him and didn't even acknowledge his presence. Irritated by the action, he looked at the guy with no intention to run after him. He just want to see the arrogant guy but he's walking fast and enter one of the room slamming the door on his back. He may had a bad day.

Seokmin lost count of how many bottles of soju they've consumed but he can feel his face numb, this is an indication that he's already drunk. He tried to look around looking for familiar persons, he always get drunk around his band member and his manager. Oh God, how will he go home? He left alone with his car and at this state, he can't drive anymore.

"Lee Seokmin, when will we ever see the love of your life?" Do Jun ask, he's always the person who start the tease. He don't know how the conversation ends up again on his zero lovelife since birth. "Don't tell me you were still waiting for that spark with someone." with that, the four guys in the room laughed. "I bet you have not get your first kiss yet." He don't know. He usually has long patience with this kind of teasing but today, he forgot that he is. Is he really that drunk? He grab the mic and everyone stop from laughing.

"I will let go of my first kiss tonight!" drunk Seokmin shouts using the mic from the videoke room that they were in. "I will not wait for my prince charming anymore to give it! I'm ready! Whoever walks through that door, I will give him my first kiss." he was too drunk and can't even think straight, he don't care. He's done with all the teasing.

Not long after a guy, with white long sleeves polo folded half way through his elbow harshly open the door. He can't hear what he says, his mind was focus in his idea that whoever it is, he will kiss him. Closing his eyes, didn't even bother to look at his face. What if he's an old hag from one of the room. Oh, well he doesn't care. His pride is more important than who he is. He run to that guy, grab his neck, his height is almost the same as his so he didn't need to exert effort on reaching his lips. When their lips touch, it's sweet. His lips is soft, he can hear everyone was cheering on his back. That encourage him more, he move his lips, trying to make the kiss deeper. He can taste the bitterness of alcohol and the sweetness of his lips, it's intoxicating. When his tongue enter his mouth, his mind went blank. It's hot. So, this is how the kiss should be? If he knew that it was this good with just any random people, he would've kissed anyone before.

The guy kissing him pull him closer by his waist, with him feeling the body of the other make him moan from his mouth. Is it really like this? This is how he actually dream his first kiss but not with a random guy. But this is too good to be true. He can't let go. His mind is stopping him, but his body won't. Putting both of his hand on his neck, Seokmin try to feel more of him. Caressing his neckline with his hand and his hair on the other. His eyes are still close. He want to look at him but his eyes is lazy to do so. Aside from the alcohol, the lips of this person makes him more drunk. His mind post a warning when the guy lift him and drag him away from the door of the room without leaving his lips. When he feel the breeze from outside, Seokmin push the guy back. He feel like he just woke up with a long sleep.

One night stand, forever.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum