It was one of the only places that Hopper or Wayne never learned about, and I kept it that way on purpose. So that I would have a place to take people, and so that I could also have alone time as well if I needed it.

   I gently placed the lunch trays that I had gotten from the cafeteria for me and Steve onto the cold surface and positioned myself towards the opening of the trees where I assumed that Steve would come in from.

    Today's lunch wasn't exactly my favorite that they served. Just a simple pulled chicken and mashed potatoes, but I wanted to be nice, and share a meal with him. Mediocre or not. They didn't even serve gravy with it. I figured that any meal could be good with good company.

    As time passed, I started to realize that the spot was a little far away, so I told myself that I wouldn't make fun of him too much if he was late. It's only natural the first time that you come out here.

    But then more time passed. I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. The longer he takes...the less time we have to talk.

   Then the bell rang...But I didn't want to give up hope. There was a possibility that Steve wanted to talk for longer and ditch class for his last period and just talk at the bench until it went dark. I didn't take him for the type to do so, but I also didn't take him as the type to stand someone up out in the cold.

    I waited for what felt like hours at that bench. Maybe I was too hopeful, but I stayed until it was dark.

   Once it was nightime, I knew...Steve was type to stand people up.

   I felt my breath start to hitch before I placed my head onto the table and let the tears start to pour.

   Even though he did this to me...I still wanted to see him again.

-Steve's perspective-

      I would never admit this at the time, but I was honestly really excited about lunch. The night before, I had made myself a decent meal, and being too lazy to separate it into a smaller container for lunch, put it into one large Tupperware. While it wasn't fancy, it was nicer than whatever the school could prepare. I originally had planned on sharing it with Robin, but due to the invite, I had the right things to share with Eddie at the hidden bench.

   The feelings I had about him...Have still been such a rollercoaster. So confusing at every turn. He wouldn't leave my mind, no matter how hard I tried. Eddie invaded every part of my life since that day. And I completely meant every part. Even when I would close my eyes for the night, all I could think about was him and that song. The song that made me question everything.

   The day went by like any other. Slow other than the classes that were more laid back. Although it was still pretty early on, there were already teachers showing movies or videos for the entirety of class for "learning purposes." These classes, you could go over everything in your head without being caught.

    I ran over every conversation that he could possibly bring up and a decent response to any question he might have wanted to throw my way. My only concern at that time was it sounding least until I saw the lady from the front office from the glass of the door.

    The teacher's attention got brought to it with the soft noise of a knock. She quietly brought herself over to the door before whispering some things and turning her head to make eye contact with me and pointing towards the door.

   I used to have to worry about this kind of thing in the past...but now? What are they going to try and blame me with now? Something that Tommy did?

    I sighed before grabbing my backpack and making my way down the hall with the last person I had wished. Her high heels clicking with every step on the tile. I knew that high heels were noisy... but this was a bit much. My head racing with possibilities that could have made me get called down there. I used to have to worry about this kind of thing in the past...but now? What are they going to try and blame me with now? Something that Tommy did? I hadn't talked with him in ages.

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