Chapter 28

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The male god only wants to serve the country [Quick Cross]
Traditional Chinese
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 28 The educated youth with bitterness and hatred

    To most foreigners, their country is a backward, poor, ignorant and uncivilized country, so this news was widely reported by foreign media and accompanied by merciless and extremely contemptuous ridicule and ridicule.

    Their country has always adhered to the attitude of neither responding nor evading this. Foreign countries have ridiculed God, and domestic reports and interviews are still carried out step by step. It is best if you believe it or not. We just took this opportunity to develop secretly and wait until It's time for you, don't cry.

    Qian Dongliang couldn't help blushing after reading these reports. He thought that the state announced this news to show off. Now it seems that the state announced this news only because it is a fact, and we just reported it casually. idea.

    So for a long time, Qian Dongliang saw Yan Yuheng's expression was very unnatural. After all, Yuheng had reminded him before that he still looked naive and innocent, and he felt stupid when he thought about it.

    At this time, Yu Heng naturally didn't know Qian Dongliang's psychological activities and mood. After he and Yan Wanzhou returned to school, Yu Heng handed over all the money for state compensation to Yan Wanzhou.

    Yu Heng said: "Sister, I have to do a lot of research in the future. I don't think I can find much free time to meet you. You can take this money, don't be reluctant to spend it. If there is any problem, you can call me. Or go to Anjia, I will also explain Qian Dongliang and a few professors I know, and let them take care of you, you can take care of yourself, so that I can invest in research with peace of mind. It will make me even more worried, and I worry about you every day."

    He had previously handed over the mobile phone to Anyang Li's father, and if Yan Wanzhou went to ask for help in an accident, Anyang Li's father would not ignore it.

    On the other hand, his ability is so high that those who have seen him know his value. He went to ask them to take care of Yan Wanzhou. Even if they sold him a favor, those people would definitely do their best.

    As he said, Yu Heng and many people he knew asked them to take care of Yan Wanzhou when he went to the academy. These are the favors he owes, but he doesn't care, no matter how hard it is to pay them off. , he always has the ability to pay off.

    The next day, someone sent by Qian Dongliang helped Yu Heng move things. At the same time, Yu Heng graduated from Nandu University ahead of schedule, and then jumped from student to professor, causing a sensation in the school.

    Before going to the research institute, Yu Heng asked Anyang Li if he wanted to follow him to be his assistant. After careful consideration, Anyang Li finally refused.

    An Yangli said to Yu Heng: "Brother Yan, I'm different from you, my knowledge reserve is far worse than yours, if I promise to be your assistant, it's just me changing a place and a more powerful teacher. It's just continuing to study, but it's different for you. It's an extra drag. Thank you, Big Brother Yan, for thinking about me when you are like this. I will study hard. When I graduate, I will go to you. I hope Big Brother Yan doesn't want to. Dislike me."

    Naturally, Yu Heng would not dislike Anyang Li, for Anyang Li, for the next few years, he would even sort out various materials every month, some in his own mind, some from books When he arrived, he sorted everything out and sent them to Anyang Li.

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