Chapter 16

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The male god only wants to serve the country [Quick Cross]
Traditional Chinese
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turn off the lights

Chapter 16: The Educated Youth Who Was Bitter and Hateful

    Yu Heng glanced at Yan Wanzhou: "Oh, it's just a wild boar. If it weren't for the wild boar, I would fight other things. As for my strength..."

    Seeing the nervousness in Yan Wanzhou's eyes, Yu Heng wanted to leave no matter what. How long ago, as long as the changes were too great, it would still cause suspicion to those who knew him, but he naturally couldn't tell Yan Wanzhou his true identity, so Yu Heng said, "It's because someone taught me something, That's why I became stronger."

    "Teach you something? Who is it?"

    Yu Heng pouted and said, "I don't know, he left after teaching me, and he didn't leave his name. He looked very old, but He has a lot of strength and runs fast, and he really doesn’t act like an old man.” After compiling the reasons, Yu Heng asked Yan Wanzhou to increase his credibility, “Do you want to learn from me? The benefits are also great."

    In this era, there are actually many well-hidden experts, but because of the social environment, these people basically can't hide their reputation, so Yuheng's reason is very valid. Stop.

    Besides, seeing that Yu Heng really planned to teach her, Yan Wanzhou became more convinced in her heart, and at the same time she felt that her suspicion was a bit ridiculous, obviously she had the same facial features and the same name as her brother, how could it not be her brother?

    So Yan Wanzhou refused and said, "No, since that person taught you and you didn't get permission, how could you teach others."

    That night, the people of Xiaoyan Village ate a mouth-watering meal. , Each family also received a lot of meat according to the head.

    Everyone was elated and joyful, comparable to the New Year. There were also some generous guys and girls who opened their voices and sang folk songs. Standing in the crowd, Gao Lin, who was not far from Yuheng, also ate his mouth full of oil and looked at Hecun. Yu Heng Yan Wanzhou, who was sitting together with the others, had a gleam of malice in her eyes.

    "The rude villager who only deserves to sit at the same table with these mud-legged people should stay in the countryside for the rest of their lives, and things like going to college, in ancient times, how could these poor and lowly people think about it, it should belong to me. Son of the official family, the country is becoming more and more degenerate now, as the pillar of the country, how can I stand by and be indifferent, in the end, I still need someone with strong ability like me to set things right."     Gao Lin stuffed it into his mouth again. A big piece of fat, while muttering his own complaints, and in front of him, Tian Ji waved his small wings and slapped him in the face.     After letting out his breath, Tian Ji flew to Yu Heng's side and sat on his shoulder. When he saw what he heard, he taught Yu Heng to listen to it. After learning, Tian Ji spit out [I heard that they said this. , picked up the bowl to eat the meat, put down the chopsticks and cursed the mother, this Gaolin bowl didn't put down, eating the meat you got from hunting in his mouth, he still had the face to scold you, besides, what kind of official's son is he? His father was just a deputy director of a steel mill, with a big face, pretending to be a son of an official family. 】    Yu Heng glanced at Gao Lin coldly, and answered Tian Ji in his mind [His father's is really nothing, but his uncle is quite capable. 】After all, people who dare to speculate in this era are naturally not small people.     Tian Ji is still dissatisfied and said [So what, it is not a feudal society now, Master, how are you going to deal with him, such a person's brain is not normal, it is too dangerous to stay in this society. 】    Yu Heng said 【I naturally have a way to deal with them. 】    Tianji looked at Yu Heng admiringly 【I knew that the master was the most powerful. 】 He didn't notice that Yu Heng was talking about them and not him.     Because of this wild boar, Yu Heng won the favor of the villagers in Xiaoyan Village, so Yu Heng lived a very comfortable life in Xiaoyan Village.     Contrary to Yu Heng's comfort, Gao Lin lived a very tormented life, because there was always a Yan Yuheng dangling in front of him.     Gao Lin felt that Yan Yuheng seemed to be making things difficult for him. When Yan Yuheng was alone with him for the first time, Yan Yuheng asked bluntly, "I heard that you like my sister?"

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