Chap. 23 - Out finally

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One hour later and you were still stuck in the car, it was starting to get cold and Dave kept on asking if he could just smoke the whole cig pack as Phil of course disagreed. "You crazy?! we can't even roll the windows down! do you wanna suffocate in here?!" he exclaimed "i think suffercatin' is better than bein' stuck in here." Dave muttered under his breath, annoyed as after a second he asked for Phil's jacket "the answer is still no! why don't you just roll your sleeves down?!" "told yew million times they're stitched!" he exclaimed as you sighed. "You can have your jumper back Dave." you said as he looked at you "no darlin', keep it on yewself, wouldn't want yew to freeze to death in here." Liar. "but-" "i said no." you pouted slightly, you felt guilty, i mean, this was his jumper not yours, why would you be wearing it instead of him?

After more minutes of sitting around, you hear your stomach growl "shht!" you mutter as you then heard Dave's do the same, even Phil's, you ate nothing before you left, Dave or his brother indeed have no food in that 'love bus'. "Jesus have ya two eaten anything today?" Phil asked as you shook your head "i have nothin' to eat at home, that's why i never miss lunch!" Dave said as you sighed burying your head in the front seats. Just then, Phil finally remembered about the lunch he packed for the two of them, he took it out after Dave's exclaims. "Eat as little as you can..this is our only food for" Phil said opening the casserole, of course no one listened. The two began stuffing food in their mouth as you just listened, your head still buried in the front seats.

"Want sum' darlin'?" you hear Dave ask as you shake your head no, tho, after a few seconds, your stomach growl gave you away. "Darlin', please." he said as you lifted your head up to see him look worriedly at you, you sighed giving in. "Fine.." you mumble slouching over the front seats, grabbing the spoon, stuffing some food in your mouth, actually realizing actually how tasty it is. "Holy jesus Phil, you have some skill!" you mumble stuffing your mouth with more food. "Hey! leave sum' for me!" the texan exclaimed grabbing your hand, guiding the full of food spoon towards his mouth, biting a handful of it. And so you 'fought' over the food like that until there was one bite left. "Yew can hav' it darlin'." manipulator. he said as you shook your head "no, you gave me the jumper, i give you the last bite, its just fair!" you said sure of yourself "yew sure?" you nodded. "Thank ya luvh." Liar. he mumbled stuffing it in his mouth as you smiled.

-12 hours later...-

"Have you heart of the donner party?.." Dave said emotionless as Phil cut him off with a shut up. "God, we'll die in this car and it's all your fault!" Phil snapped "MY FAULT?!" "GOD CAN YA TWO KEEP IT QUIET?!" you yelled burying your head in Dave's shoulder groaning. "You know? i walk everyday at work, i need no one to pick me up." the texan said after some seconds of silence "IF YOU THINK-" you groaned again then noticed a light and sat up. "CAR!!" you yelled as they quickly sat up too and hit on the windows. The car stopped and you noticed Chauncey at the steering wheel, your faces dropped awkwardly. He looked at the three of you with contempt then drove away. "Unbelievable shit.." Phil mumbled. "We're doomed." you all said at the same time laying back down, at some point you all just fell asleep, well until someone knocked on the window, you honestly woke up because of Phil's scream rather than the knock.

The police took you out, "how did you know we were here?" Phil asks. "Been told three individuals were loitering around in a parked car in an abandoned side of the town. Your car broke down? i suppose we can give you a ride home." she said as you all looked at eachother then nodded. As the police car drove Phil home, it then drove you. "We're here." she said stopping the car as you nodded then looked at the texan next to you giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Bye Willy." he pouted as you chuckled getting out of the car and walking towards the entrance of your apartment building. Just then you realized you still wore his zipper jumper 'oh crap, forgot to return this' you tought running down the stairs and out of the building, but the police car was gone. 'Suppose i'll give it to him another day..' you tought walking back inside and upstairs to your apartment.

Little did you know there were no other days..

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