Chap. 5 - Spoiled punch

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"The hell is he doing with all those bags??" you ask peeking over Jeremy's shoulder, through the door, watching Dave as he unpacked bottles. "Apparently it's boss' appreciation day, so he wanted to celebrate it, and well, here we are, and he literally has no idea that in 2 hours we'll have kids barging in through the doors." he snickered as you went inside. "So? how's the celebration going?" you see Dave jolt as he hears your voice. "Goin' just fine darlin', it hasn't started yet if that's what yer wonderin." he said looking at the Vodka bottles, you felt your face heat up a little, why does he keep on calling you that..weird. "Darlin'??? where are you, in a romance movie?!" you hear Jeremy say then laugh his ass off as he walked besides you, angering Dave in the slightest.

"Fuck yer mother Fitzgerald." "HEY!! NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY MOM LIKE THAT!!" he exclaimed walking up to him, and so they began arguing. "Guys stop, we don't have time for all this, there'll be a whole ass party going on sooner or later." you affirmed pushing both of them aside from eachother while glaring. "Yer right, i guess." you hear Dave mumble as Jeremy nods. "Good, now can someone explain to me, why Vodka." "uh, for bettah taste i s'pose." he says as you shrug then place the bottles down. "Are ya two even allowed to drink??" he asks as you puff a chuckle "im older than you think i am." you mumble as Jeremy heads to the door. "You're the one who brought alcohol to a kids' party place, i don't think im the one who has to answer questions here." Jerm says closing the door as you look at if for some more seconds before shaking your head.


You were watching Dave pour Vodka in a bowl of punch as you just then heard kids barge through the doors, all in laughs and never shutting up. "Great work on setting up, mr. Miller! i think this is one of the best prepared birthdays parties i've ever seen." you both turn towards Phil with small guilty smiles. "B-Birthday?..oh heh..yeah, of course. Birthday party. Kiiiiiids." you hear him stutter as you look away trying not to laugh. "I, uhh, just remembered! This punch! yes, this punch is spoiled!" he lied as you facepalmed slightly. "How can punch be spoiled if you just poured it?? let me see that." Phil said questionably trying to reach for the punch bowl as Dave was just moving it away, out of his reach.

"No sir! far too nasty. Im sure you'd be sicker than a dog from one drop!" he said as Jeremy approached him. "No way Dave! punch can't be spoiled! let me have some!!" Jeremy smirked as you came beside him looking at the bowl. "Can i have a sip?" "WHAT- N- NOT YA TOO." he then kept quiet looking at the bowl as Phil was glaring into the back of his head, suddenly Dave chugs down almost the whole punch bowl until Phil pushes it out of his hands, it hitting the ground and leaving a massive spot there making you gasp and burst into a heavily laughter. "Mx. l/n! is there something funny?!" you hear Phil exclaim as you try to contain your laughs "n-no, sorry." you said practically swallowing your laughs. "Anyways, m-mr. Miller, i want you to go start up the animatronics and hope you still have a job by the time you're done." said Phil in slight terror as Dave ran through the door, towards the stage probably as Jeremy was aggressively mopping the punch on the floor.

Several minutes later, he came back with Toy Freddy being all smiley like nothing happened "is there a birthday boy in need?" he cooed as Freddy walked in "howdy kids! i hope you-" great, he slips on the punch stain and falls down, Dave being the idiot he is, forgot about it and slipped too falling down, that's when you just bursted into a massive laugh fit, attracting all the attention on you. "I- i'll go start up Bonnie.." Jeremy mumbles before he walks out. Later on, after the party was over, you all gather up around a presumably really drunk Dave, as it seemed from the way he wobbled around. "So who's gonna deal with him because im not." "hey! don't back up like that!" you glare at Jeremy then look back at Dave slurring quiet words. "I say we draw lots." said Phil as Jeremy sprinted out of the room and came back with the sticks. "The one with the shortest stick has to deal with him." Phil says as you all nod.

And so, you drew the lots, and of course that because of your bad luck, you drew the shortest one. "Aw damn." you murmured as Jeremy looked at you with a small smirk "dont look at me like that Jermo!" you exclaim nudging his shoulder as he snickers. "Well, good luck mx.
l/n." Phil said walking towards the exit as Jeremy followed. "Welp Dave, it's just you and me right no-" you turned back to him just to see he was fast asleep on the chair. "Wake up, wakey wakeeyyy." you spoke shaking him as he jolted awake then looked you in the eyes and tried to get up, but of course that drunkass tripped on his shoelace and fell on you. "Wh-" you whisper confused as you feel him groan against your shoulder. "You really are drunk..aren't you." you sighed trying to pull him off of you but he wouldn't budge.

"Come on, get— off, we gotta leave." you mumbled as he groaned again feeling him grip onto your waist "just a li'l morrr.." you sigh. "Fine, but please don't make it last too long." you say feeling him grip onto your waist, making your face heat up and probably blush, why tho. " back! ya prick.." you hear Dave groan, and truth is that you've been craving hugs for quite some time now, so you did what he said and kept quiet for some minutes until you heard soft snores. Why are you doing this again??? Sighing, you tried to pull away just to be held tighter, your face surely looked like a tomato. "I-Im not your human body pillow!! wake up!!" you exclaimed shaking him awake. "Wot's with all this noise.." he mumbled britishly as you pulled away and looked him in the eyes with a confused expression.

"Nevermind, come on." you said dragging him by the wrist. "Where rr..we goin..darlin'.." he slurred out dragging his feet after you as you sighed dragging him out of the restaurant. "So where's your house or anything." "Wallmart..parkinn lot.." he slured out as you rose a brow but kept on walking at a normal pace because if you rushed things up, he'd probably trip, fall down and get another bruise and then you'd have to baby him again! not like you'd mind but it's annoying. He tripped but catched onto your back, about to make you fall too. "God Dave! be careful!!" you exclaimed placing his arm over your shoulder. "Why am i in this situation again?? it could've been Jeremy of all, but naaah, its me." you growled slightly annoyed as you feel Dave staring at you with a dumb smile. "I dun'ttt..mind it! yer..prettier than..that melted cheese hair prickkk..." he slurred out again as you laughed, blushing slightly. He laughed too, well uh, tried, it sounded more like an old engine or some old man laugh, it was cute tho. What??

??? POV:
I glanced over them, they were helping the bleached person walk, to where tho? They brushed aside his drunkness with a bashful smile, seemingly careful as the the other living soul seemed..vulnerable in a way or another..he used manipulative words, they're endangered..I warned them, they didn't comprehend it.

Reaching the Wallmart parking lot, he points towards a trailer which had 'love bus' written on it. Was that the same trailer you saw some weeks ago?? Heading towards it, you see a man with a telephone head come out. "HEY! oh my god..Will- i mean Dave." he exclaimed walking towards you, grabbing the Texan from your arms, holding him steadily, somehow. "Has he been any trouble to ya? its every day with this bozo..We'll punish him accordingly if we must." he said as you stared at him for some seconds, thinking of what to say, then you shook your head and a small awkward smile crept up on your face. "Oh no no sir, he's totally fine, no need for..punishments and such!" you exclaimed shaking your hands as he nodded. "Right..anyways, i'll be taking him from he-" " "BYEEEEE!!" you hear as you feel squished in a tight embrace. "O-Oh. well, goodbye to you too Dave." you said caught off guard, while slightly ruffling his hair, just then the phone head dude came at you and struggled to drag him away.

"Sorry and thanks again! goodbye!" he said as you nodded with a smile and proceeded to walk away while waving while you still heard multiple sets of bye then a loud shut up, it made you laugh. Arriving back at the pizzeria, you go towards your car then slowly drive back home while thinking about all that happened today. 'He-he called me pretty..did he actually mean it?..i-i don't think so..he was just drunk..i- am i blushing? wha..i- nevermind...' you tought rubbing your face.

??? POV:
He vacated their arms and into the person's with a phone head, i watched them tread back to the pizzeria, with a continuous glance at the pathway, seemingly hunching over certain toughts, then they trod towards their vehicle and navigating back to their beloved home..They still didn't know how endangered they are, i must warn them again..i don't want them to 𝑒𝑛𝑑 just like how i 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑...

✧.* 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 *.✧ | Dave Miller x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora