Chap. 22 - Give ya a ride

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You feel shaken "hm?.." you groan opening your eyes as you see Dave above you, staring at you like a cat. "Morning darlin'!" he says with a genuine smile as you smile tiredly then zone out for a few seconds reminiscing what you've dreamt of, another message..they kept on following you for the past months, wouldn't leave you alone, you tried to brush them off, ignore them, but they showed up so often in your dreams you began to take it as a massive warning rather than a message, you began to grow aware of your surroundings and the person the warnings were aimed at. Dave. "Hey? darlin'? yew okay?" you jolt then look at him and smile slightly, nodding. "What's the time.." you ask yawning "5 AM!" he said as you rubbed your face groaning. "Lets go to work.." you mumble sitting up as you suddenly feel his hand upon your head "oh yeah, the ceiling." you yawned again crouching, as you shifted to reach for the ladder, to climb down, he did so too after you.

Walking out of the 'love bus' you shiver slightly as you actually realize how cold it is, plus that "oh, it snowed overnight!!" you exclaim looking around at the white parking lot. "My shoes are gonna soak in all this snow.." you mumble with a sigh, shivering as you unconsciously put your hands around your arms rubbing them trying to warm yourself slightly. Taking a step, you feel a hand on your shoulder stop you "huh?.." you turn around to see Dave holding his black zipper jumper for you to grab. "Yew can have it!" he smiled as you fully turned towards him "you sure? aren't ya gonna be cold?" you ask as he nods "did a'shiver until now? naw, yew did, so yew have it." he reasoned placing it over your shoulders as you smiled sliding your hands in the sleeves then zipping it up. "Ooh, warm and cozy.." you smiled warmly sinking in the nice feeling it gave as you suddenly don't feel your feet on the ground anymore and feel like falling, but you weren't..falling.

Opening your eyes, you look up to see Dave look at you with that stupid smirk of his as you then realized he scooped you up into his arms. "Why." was all you said as he repeated your words "i don't want yer shoes to soak in the snow darlin'." he said as you puffed a small chuckle "there's no ne-" you were cut off ass he began running quickly through the whole parking lot towards the sidewalk. "HOLY SHIT DAVE SLOW DOWN-" you exclaimed laughing, gripping onto his shoulders as he ran even quicker. He soon came to a stop as you realized he reached onto the sidewalk. "God damn it what was that.." you chuckled as he carefully placed you down on the ground. "Now yer shoes ain't soaked!" he said with that stupid smirk of his as you gave him a small peck on the cheek then began walking "come on Willy." "HEY!! I TOLD YEW TO STOP!" he pouted as you laughed "okay, im sorry Dave Miller awesome Texan man!" you mocked jokingly as his smirk widened proudly. "Apologies accepted!"

"Yea yea, now come on, let's go or we'll be late...Willy." you said with a sly smile as he pouted again and began running after you as you ran away laughing loudly, he soon catched up to you and tackled you to the ground as you fell in a nearby snow pile still laughing. "Stop collin' me Willy." he pouted as you laughed more "alright sorry..Wil-." he cut you off with a kiss as your eyes widened slightly but kissed back anyways. DEVIOUS MANIPULATOR. LEAVE THEM ALONE. As he pulled away, he helped you up then held your hands. "Don't ya call me Willy, ya daft." he pouted as you smiled warmly "okay Davey. Oh man, now my ass is wet from that snow." you pouted muttered the last part as you tugged on the zipper jumper, trying to cover it.

"Hey! fancy seeing ya here cowboys!" you hear Phil say so you turn around to indeed see him in his white car, smiling. "Hey Philerp, how are ya on this fine mornin'? as ya see im on ma' way to work with y/n here, so i ain't slackin' off like ya hate so much!" Dave said as Phil nodded "since we're going the same way, mind if i give ya two a ride?" he asked as you nodded "well i'd be much obliged to take ya on that offer sir!" he said. "Alright! your chariot awaits you!" Phil smiled "don't mind if i do!" Dave exclaimed with his dumb smirk as he got up on the passenger's seat as you sat down in the backseats listening in to their conversations, keeping quiet, they pretty much talked about the car, a honk was heard as Phil groaned. "PUTANGINA PAKSHET!! does anybody here know how to drive?!" he yelled angrily "well..them?.." he pointed to you as Phil turned back to you "not in the winter, hell no." you said waving your hands around in a no motion as Phil sighed and turned back to face the road.

Suddenly the car started to make weird sounds "f-fuck.." you hear Phil mutter under his breath as your eyes widen slightly "what?! w-what's wrong?.." Dave exclaims as the car comes to a stop. "Can't be..i forgot to get gas..Uh, by any chance..does any of you have any money on ya?" he asked as you looked in your pockets, just your phone, nothing else. You opened your mouth to speak but got cut off by their little argue about deep-fried donuts, Texas and how Jeremy was about to die because of a peanut allergy, just then they began arguing more about Jeremy and his peanut allergy, until you notice Phil hitting the car door, hearing clicks all around the car, your eyes widened. "The hell happened?" "what the-" the two said trying the doors but they wouldn't hinge an inch. "FUCK..." Phil groaned loudly.

✧.* 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 *.✧ | Dave Miller x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu