Chap. 2 - New workmates

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"HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF JE.." you exclaimed jolting awake from your alarm, some weeks ago you changed it to a man screaming, since you couldn't hear the old one and sometimes you just snoozed right through it. Anyways, getting up, you do your morning routine then go make yourself an eggs benedict (was that a refference?😻), after that you dress up in the uniform mr. Guy gave you, and so, you walked towards Freddy's, good thing was that your car will arrive after 2 days, since it was shipped from your old city to your new one, so you had to wait.

??? POV:
I descry them walking down the path, back to the restaurant they were at yesterday, what are they seeking?..

Arriving at the restaurant, you open the door only to see a blonde boy dressed with an orange undershirt and purple sweatpants mopping the floor, he suddenly turns to you then smiles excitedly, waving his hands around. "HELLO!!! you must be y/n, Phil told me about, right??" he said smiling as you nodded with a smile "well im Jeremy!! nice to meet you!!" he exclaimed shaking your hand vigorously as you chuckled. This Jeremy really did seem to be a nice happy guy, probably because he looked young, around 16-17 to be precise.

"Lemme show you around!" he said with a simple smile, grabbing your hand and dragging you throughout the whole pizzeria, showing you multiple zones such as the Kids' Cove, the lounge, backrooms and things like these. As the day went by, you began feeling more at home around Jeremy, he was a nice kid and funny! Just as you were drinking your strawberry slushy, you hear a splash, then look to the side to see Jeremy getting splashed with blueberry slushy by a grape colored haired girl who seemed to be Joan, as the nametag said, so you decided to join too, since it looked fun, and so you threw the content of your slushy at her, catching her off guard, and just then, you all began throwing slushies at eachother, laughing your arses off, well until you hear Phil's voice. "WHAT'S THIS MESS HERE?!" he sounded rather confused and panicked than angry. "Oops..sorry Phil.." you heard Jeremy mumble as he sighed facepalming.

"Just- please clean this up then meet me in my office, all of you." he said walking away as the three of you grabbed some mops quietly and said nothing else to eachother until the floor was clean. "I have to agree, this was fun, but now im all soaked in..uh..a bundle of slushy flavors.." you say "you're saying?? i think i even got some in my hair!" Jeremy exclaimed dropping the mop, trying to get some slushy bits off of his hair as Joan smiled slightly at the both of you. Finishing, you all head towards Phil's office for whatever reason he wanted you there.

Knocking, you hear an enter, so you open the door and step inside, but then Jeremy suddenly stopped making you and Joan bump into eachother. "Huh? why did you stop??" you ask as you look over his shoulder to see Phil with an small awkward smile plastered on his face, while in front of him, being seated another dude who looked at you with a quite angry expression and a raised brow. "Phil, who's that??" you ask walking inside past Jeremy, Joan doing so too, both of you sitting down on a nearby bench looking between Phil and the guy that seemed to have an eye staring contest with Jeremy. "Uhm." Phil broke the silence as Jeremy jolted and made his way towards the two of you, sitting down next to you.

"So, guys, i have no idea if you remember or not, but yesterday i told you all that today we're getting a new employee! so he's-" "David Miller!! but just call me Dave! best damn mechanic this side of the west, expert at just about anything else, natural blonde. Im full of surprises. It's natural when ya have the blood of Texas pumping through yer veins..yer lucky to have me." the hair bleached dude exclaimed as the three of you just stared at him for quite some time, confused. "Uh, i could've said that too but thanks for making the job easier i guess.'re applying for the position of mechanic, i can assume." Phil sighs. "Sure am!" he answered as Phil wrote something down. "Soo, he'll be the mechanic-" "in that weird darky room?! the parts and service thing??" Jeremy cut him off as Phil nodded, just then, they began talking again, more like Dave but, whatever.

"Alright, about your past experience with-" "oh, i've been close up and personal with just about every kinda scrap'a machinery from here to mississippi, since i was nothing but a little kernel on the cob." he cut him off. "Someone please just make him shut up.." you hear Jeremy groan quietly next to you as you patted his back sighing. "I don't think he's gonna stop any sooner.." you mumbled as he groaned again. "My maw and paw wanted me to carry on the legacy'a the farm, but a true man of the south follows his heart. Three bachelor's degrees in engineering to my name!" Dave kept on rumbling, even Phil seemed tired of it. "So- you said you're from Texas-" "Philadelphia, Texas." he cuts Phill off again as Jeremy kept on groaning.

"And...what is your current adress??" Phil asked looking up from his papers. "whatever ya gotta deliver to me, just do it face t'face. Im a bit of a wanderer, if ya catch my drift." does he ever stop talking?! After more questions and annoying answers, he finally left the office as poor Phil rubbed the top of his nose in annoyance. "There's no way that dude just got a job here." you mumbled "yes he did.." Jeremy groaned.

✧.* 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 *.✧ | Dave Miller x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora