Nkosi:" we almost there"

We arrived at the cape point vineyards
We found a spot to park and came out of the car he went to the boot and took out a picnic basket

I went to him and carried the blanket while he took the basket

Me:"a picnic huh ?'

Nkosi:"didnt have it in mind ?"

Me:"this is more romantic than I have anticipated"

I layed the blanket on the floor after we have found a place to sit it took faster than usual since there weren't many people

Me:"soooo let's play a game truth or dare "

Nkosi First poured us some juice and gave me a glass I took a sip and placed it aside while I laid on my back looking at the sky

Nkosi kept playing with my fingers while he also settled into the same position as me

Nkosi:"okay you can start "

Me:"okay "

Nkosi:"truth or dare ?"

Me:"obviously truth "

Nkosi:"have you ever been in love ?"

Me:"well actually I have once I have only been in love once in my life and after that I just stopped trying "

Nkosi:"ohh ...okay you can go on"

Me:"well truth or dare nkosiyabo?"

Nkosi:"I'm gonna go with truth "

Me:"how come you never talked to me in high school ?"

Nkosi:"I was in denial I was foolish stupid and naive back then I listened to friends too much I placed them first and me last never knowing that that's how we all feel we all make sacrifice for the group but mostly we doing it for them which is wrong ".
Me:"ohh well moving on "

Nkosi:"truth or dare but I already know it's truth so
If you can change anything about your past what would you change "

Me:"nothing times may have been tough here and there but I have never regretted anything "

Nkosi:"well it's your turn now "

I continued asking him questions which kinda changed the way I saw him he was a good guy


Nkosi :"hmm"

Me:" how come you not in a relationship?"

Nkosi:"because I kept comparing every girl I would meet with you  "

I just hysterically laughed at him

Me:"you know what let's just close this subject we talked till the sun set talking ouvs here and there it was almost 21:00 and the stares were already shining in the sky we stargazed with nkosiyabo

Nkosi:"well that star over there reminds me of someone special"


The Final Amendment Of Our Destiny Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz