"Hey, new roomie huh?", she asked

"Yes,", I said

She was warm. We chatted and realized she was working in the same company. She was in a senior position though. Her name was Tanya.

I went to office the next day. It was fine, there was orientation and then there was to be training for a few months.
I was still getting used to all the new things..

After 2 days, when I was walking back home, I saw Prem outside my office, holding a bouquet of yellow flowers and dressed in business wear. Him? Here? Maybe he was here to meet someone else, what was I thinking...

I still went to him. He smiled on looking at me.
"For you", he said, I looked at the flowers and then into his eyes. I looked around , he was talking to me??? His eyes looked at me amused, and he moved the bouquet forward to me.
Perhaps city people give flowers to congratulate others, .. but why does he want to give it to me?
I hesitantly took the bouquet.

"How are you adjusting?", he asked

"Good, thanks for helping", I said

"My pleasure, so shall we get some coffee?", he asked

Coffee? Are people in the city this forward? I took a step back as he smiled charmingly.

"Um.. no I got to go", I said

"We have to talk right,", he said


"It's better to get to know each other before marriage?!"


"Yes, your dad didn't tell you?"

"Tell What??"

"They are going to fix our marriage!"

"What!!!". I was surprised and shocked.

"I...I have to call home, I have to go", I said and walked away. Thankfully, Prem didn't follow me.

I called and Mumma picked up.

"Mumma, what is it I am hearing that you are fixing marriage for me with Prem?", I shouted

"Pavi, calm down dear, we were going to tell you, Prem is a good boy dear, he looks good, earns well, , and is your father's friends son, so a good family", Mumma told

"So? Is that enough Mumma? Did you people think of asking me if I was ready for marriage?"

"And let me tell you, the answer is no! I just started my career, I can't marry now", I said

"Pavi, we can't let a good guy go ",she said

"Good guy? How do you even know Ma, just because he did an MBA, and earns well doesn't make him a good guy"

"We know his family dear"

"So??Do you know him? Anyways, this isn't about him, it's about me Mumma, I have to focus on my career"

"you can focus on both na"

"What is the hurry Mumma?"

"Talk with Papa"


"Talk with Papa, when he comes home dear, I don't know anything"

"Ok.. Im going and telling Prem Im not going on with this"

"No..Pavi listen to me"

"What Mumma, you listen na, I can't..Please", I said

Mumma cut the phone, in anger probably.

I sighed. What was the need for marriage now, I just started a new life.

I didn't know Prem's number and I didn't want to call that guy, so I went to their house.

I knocked. "Prem?",I called out. The door was open. Do these guys ever lock? I waited for some time, but decided to go in.

I went to the hall, where I saw some movement. I looked towards it and screamed at the top of my lungs. There was a real man tied to a chair and his mouth was covered. Someone came behind me and I found strong hands cover my mouth from behind, preventing my scream.

"Stop screaming" he said and my blood turned cold hearing that voice. He removed his hand and I turned around. His gaze pierced through me and I saw something red on his arm, my instant reaction was to run and I did that, I ran outside, when I collided with someone who held and steadied me by my shoulders. I looked up to see Prem, who looked surprised.

He looked behind me at Dhruv. "What ya, seriously, I told you not to do anything like this", he rebuked at Dhruv.

I ignored Prem and ran outside.

"Pavi, ", he called out and ran after me. He stopped me.

"Who is he? Some rowdy? Don?", I asked

"Whoever he is and what he does, doesn't need to concern us Pavi. He won't do this again at home", he said

"So he does this outside of here? and you live with him, he is your friend, are you also such a person?"

"No..No..I am not to blame, you know my job..I'm not like him , I'm just a normal person Pavi, circumstances led to our friendship, but I'm a good person believe me", he said

"You know what, why do I care?, I anyways came to tell you that I am not interested in marriage, Goodbye Prem, ", I said and left. He called after me, but I didn't turn around.


I thought...that I got rid of them, but next day, I saw him..Mr don, near my office.

My heart started beating fast, why was he here? would he kidnap me, like he did to that guy?
He was wearing a denim jacket. He had coolers covering his eyes and his hair was flowing as he leaned against his bike. I moved past him hoping he wouldn't see me.

"Hey..hey girl", he called out.

Not me, not me not me...

"Hey girl what ever your name is, stop", he shouted loudly, making people around turn and look. He doesn't even know my name?

I walked faster but he caught up with me and held my arm. I stopped walking. It was such a tight grip and I started shivering as I turned around. He removed his coolers and I met his disapproving eyes.

"Look, we don't know each other, I won't tell the police anything, I have enough on my plate", I said

He was chewing some gum. "I didn't think you would go to the police", he said

I looked at him quizzically.

"See..I came here because of Prem, he wanted me to come here and apologize for what you had to see..so I do..ok.. What I do, has nothing to do with Prem, he is just your ordinary good guy, won't harm a bug. He likes you a lot and you should give him a chance." He said monotonously.

"Mr..I'm sorry you had to come all this way to say this, but tell your friend that, I don't like him, I don't even know him, and Im not ready for anything now.."

"And..please I never want to see you again, so don't come here, or I'll have to go to the police", I said and turned around.

"Must admit, I thought you were a coward, perhaps you are not , since you are talking like this to me, knowing quite well what I could do", he said

I took a deep breath ,steadied myself and walked away.

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