The party

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The next week, it was Prem's birthday. He was hosting a party. I was surprised that people do that..
I didn't want to go, but my co worker convinced me and I was curious, so I decided to go.

I wore an Anarkali and did minimal makeup. We office people, got him a gift together.

When I entered the venue, I was awestruck. It was a big place. I wished Prem and stood with my coworkers. Prem welcomed and asked me to make myself comfortable. He asked the waiter to hand me the welcome drink.

Then, I saw Dhruv. He was wearing a blue suit and he did look stunning and because of that, there were women around him. They seemed to be talking something, while he kept sipping on his alcohol glass. The girls looked so pretty that I got self conscious.
I felt a pang of something in my heart, when I saw the girls.. I could never be them and I would never go and talk to Dhruv.

Suddenly his eyes met mine and I moved mine away. Was I staring too much. I started talking to Nina, when I heard his voice.

" Care for a stroll ", he asked

I looked at him confused. As my coworkers were looking at me, I nodded slowly.

We took a walk silently and stopped near the stalls. I felt awkward because of this silence. Why did he ask me for a walk. I couldn't make myself look sideways at him.
He suddenly turned towards me, and I glanced up at his eyes.
" Yes?"

He stepped towards me, and my heart thumped hardly. I could smell his cologne as he moved his face near my hair and whispered in my ears
" You look good today"

I was surprised at his sudden remark.
I nodded. I was too nervous to tell him that he was too. The suit, brought out his shape. He was tall and perfect. His eyes looked into mine.

It was brown..I realised.

He suddenly took his hand forward and raised it before me.

" One dance ", he said

I stared at him, not able to speak, my brain was malfunctioning I think..what the hell was happening.

I wanted to tell him no, I don't want to, but I stood like a statue and I felt so hot that I perspired.

He took my hands and put it on his shoulder. My hands trembled. I felt as if nothing in the world mattered, I wanted to give up all my he twirled me around. My heart beat so loud in my chest, as it realised our proximity.

Is this how it felt to be close to a guy..

" Good job, I needed an escape from them", he said

That snapped me out of my trance. " Escape?" I looked at where he was looking and saw the jealous girls glaring at us.

Omg.. so all this was a facade to escape from them? I felt sort of hurt, when I realised that, of course he wouldn't  just want to dance with me, and I wondered why I cared. I was advising Teddy and here I was feeling such things, what was wrong with me. I took a step away from him.

" I.. got to go", I said and turned around and ran away.
I looked for the restroom.
I was returning back, when I heard click of heels. It was that group of girls from earlier. I tried moving past them but they didn't allow me.

" Excuse me", I said

" Look who is here girls, the bitch", said a girl and she suddenly slapped me across my face which stunned me.

"Excuse me! What the hell is your problem", I shouted.
" look at her tacky style, what is this you are wearing to a party? Who wears salwaar to a party aunty ji", another girl mocked.

There were 5 of them.

" What is your business with what I wear, move, I got to go", I said

One girl stepped closer to me.
" Well well, she has a voice.. how did you manage to seduce both Dhruv and Prem"

" Yah especially looking like that", said a girl and wrinkled her nose.

" I don't have anything to do with them, ", I said , unsure of what to do.

" Oh.. ya right..Aunty ji has no idea, probably it's these innocent gullible eyes .."

"Prem might like that, but Dhruv hates crybabies", said a girl

" I have no time for your nonsense, I'm leaving ", I said and tried to move forward when a girl held my hand and pushed me forward.

I tried to push her away, but they were strong. They surrounded me and they dragged me as I shouted and struggled

"Leave  me!"

They dragged me to a private washroom, which had a bathtub and a toilet.

They pushed me in.

" this is where you belong", said a girl

" I think it's where you people arrogant spoilt girls", I shouted .

" What did you call us", asked a girl

When I didn't reply she held by hair on the top and pulled.

" What did you just call us, you pathetic loser", asked the girl.

The hold was painful and I struggled.

" Grab her bag girls", she said and the girls took my bag from my hands.

" Let's see what she has in here"

" Give it back", I said but they didn't listen

" An old model phone ", the girl took out my phone and handed to another girl.

" A small book, with contacts.. you don't save numbers to your phone?"

It was too much! I understood they were jealous, but they can't speak like this.

" You girls are just jealous, " I said

Another girl clutched my hair " Shoo", she said

The girl fished out my family photo.
" Look at this, sentimental huh and look at her, she looks more worse in this photo..plaited oily hair ", said the girl

" hey yah she looks like a villager", said another girl

Tears started falling down my eyes as they tore the photo and I shouted in vain. I struggled but was helpless.
I could stay strong only so much.

" Hey look girls Aunty ji has a god picture, some threads and a Vibhuti parcel", said the girl and they laughed.

"Now.. you see yourself and your class, you don't belong here , don't even kid yourself thinking that a person like you can become a princess", said the girl

When I didn't respond, she grabbed me by my hair and pulled me towards the shower. She turned the shower on and drenched me with the cold freezing water.

" Come on girls , let's enjoy our night", said the girl and they left locking the door.

I sat down on the floor as I weeped. I knew what they told shouldn't mean anything, but it was too much for me.
It made me remember the times I was bullied in school too. It brought out all the insecurities I had buried away.

They had taken my bag and I tried banging the door.
When after around several minutes of banging, I was tired and sat on the floor, feeling so cold, alone and afraid.

I didn't know how many hours had passed, but suddenly I felt a difficulty in breathing. I was scared that I would pass out.

Then finally the door opened.

"Girl?", it was Dhruv.

I was so relieved that without thinking I got up and hugged him suddenly with a force that pushed him back a little. He hesitated but put his arms around me and I broke down.

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