A few moments

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Prem didn't leave me alone. I got messages and friend requests. I had a huge fight with papa. I even thought of telling that he was staying with a criminal. But I didn't!

He came to my office at alternate days with bouquets. Why wouldn't he just leave it!!

"Just talk and see Pavi, we can marry later", he said

"Prem, you are nagging. A no is a no, respect it", I said one day.

"Just one coffee", he asked

I sighed. "Ok..one coffee and then you leave", I said

We went to the nearby shop and got coffee. One coffee was for 150 Rs, but it tasted like normal coffee. They were looting, how do people come here to buy coffee!

"Why do you even like me, Prem?", I asked

"You have the most beautiful dovish eyes, Pavi.. with your long hair and cute smile, you are so pretty Pavi", he said

"So, you like how I look?", I asked

"Yes, and even the way you speak..its.."

"How do I speak?"

"You know..it's so sweet and cute, .."

"You still like me for my physical features, that won't be permanent"

"That's why I want to talk, get to know you", he said

"Im not looking for a relationship Prem, not with you not with anyone else", I said

"Well, ok, I'll wait for you Pavithra do tell if you change your mind", he said and he left in some time.


One month later


I was on my field visit to a construction site. My manager, me and my colleague were there. It was probably going to rain, considering the dark clouds.

I walked around the site alone, roaming because I was bored. There was sand and buildings everywhere. No people. The area was vast and then I think I lost the way.

I heard some noise and moved towards it. There were some guys talking in loud noises. As soon as I saw that I bent down and hid behind a bush. What was that, there were 4 men attacking 2 men. I took a peep out of that bush, and I saw him..Mystery man!

He kicked the man hardly, that took me aback and I pulled the twigs, causing some noise.

"Who is it?", shouted some man.

"Oh..no I'm dead...should I run, but where to.

I decided to stay silently, maybe they would ignore it. But to my luck, they didn't , a man came towards the bush, while I was praying for them not to come here , he came near and moved the twigs away and spotted me.

"It's some girl", he shouted back.

I stood up.

"Look, I..came here by mistake, ", I said

Dhruv walked to me,

"I'll take care of her , you guys continue", he said to the man.

He held my hand and roughly pulled me away from their ears.

"My hand", I cried out, as he had held me tightly. He left my arm, and his eyes were glaring daggers. His hand was bloody, which nauseated me.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?", he asked through gritted teeth

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