Prem's love

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5 years old

I was playing with my toy train, when guests came to my home. I looked at the uncle and the small girl with him.
The girl came near me and looked at me curiously.
She touched my toy train and I swapped her hand away.
" This is my train. You can't touch it", I said
She started crying loudly. This is why I hated girls. They always cry.
Papa came to me and scolded me and advised that she is my friend and I should share my toys with her.
No way I would share my toys with a girl. They and their barbies are very boring. I mean who plays with barbies when you had trains and cars.

The girl calmed in some time and sat next to me looking at me playing. I simply ignored her. My mumma called her inside and she left, returning in some time with chocolates. I looked at them greedily. How can mumma give her chocolates!

She walked towards me and split her chocolate into half. She raised it towards me.
" Choco", she said in her squeaky voice.
I shook my head. I would not take a chocolate from a girl.
" Pavi, let's go", said her father coming towards us.
" I want to play choo choo", she said to her father.
" We will get you a choo choo, come now, we have to go", said her father
" Say bye to Prem", he said

" Bye Pem", she said and waved her hands at me.
" Bye", I said and concentrated on my train.

12 years old

I was doing my homework in the tuition teacher's place. I was so bored. This sum was very hard.
I therefore walked to his lawn, where I saw few kids . I thought they were tuition kids and walked away. But then I saw them going towards a tree.

As I watched them, two guys, climbed the tree while the 2 girls stood down. The guys climbed up and plucked the mangoes and threw it down to the girls who caught them . I realised they were stealing the mangoes.
I had to warn my teacher.
" Thieves, thieves", I shouted loudly.
The girl first noticed me and told something to her friends.
The guys climbed down, seeing my tuition teacher who had heard me and was out now.
" Hey stop, you kids", he shouted running forward.

I thought I could help him and ran after them. The girls were slower and had the mangoes so I ran behind the girls. I almost caught up with one of the girl and I caught her by her plait. Her hand was  filled with mangoes. She looked into my eyes .. it was very familiar.
" I'll give you a mango, let me go", she said
I shook my head. " Stealing is bad", I said
" Mangoes are tasty, Ravi says we can do anything for it ", she said innocently.

I held her plait tighter and she shouted
" Aughh.. let me go", she said

" Thief", I said

" I'm not thief, she said and suddenly came closer and bit my palm where I held her plait.
"Oughhh "I let my hands leave her , due to pain and she ran away. She turned back and looked when she reached the gate.

15 years old

My parents took me out somewhere, and on the way we went to a competition. They made me participate in poetry. I was bad in it. Then we sat down to see the other competitions , especially my father wanted to see that of his friend's daughter

" Here she is ,  Pavi grew up so well", remarked my father.
I looked up to see who that was. When I saw her.. the mango girl... her hair had grew and her plaits was longer. She bit me! The nerve!
Why did we need to see her sing. It was a singing competition.
She looked nervously into the audience.
Then she started singing. Her voice was beautiful.. she sang really well that I sat astounded.
"Mango girl sings so sweetly", I said aloud.
" What?", my brother asked
" Nothing ", I said

Once she finished singing I got up and clapped for her. She didn't see me, but I saw her that day.. my impression about her changed.
My parents went to see and congratulate her for her third price, but I sat in my place, looking at how cute her smile was.

16 years old

It was my brother's wedding. I was dancing when I spotted her in the distance. Wow she looked so pretty in her dress. I looked at her from afar.
Dhruv came to me. Dhruv was my best friend and 2 years elder than me.
" Hey, I told you I will show you the girl I have a crush on right, there she is", I pointed at. But just as Dhruv saw, an aunty came before her, hiding her view.
" I can't see her man, come on where is she, I want to see your choice on chicks", he said
" Don't refer to her like that, she is not like the girlfriend you have ", I snapped
We couldn't find her anyone as she had disappeared and I didn't see her again that day

17 years old

I was competing in an interschool cricket tournament and had gone to a school for that.
I was playing my game when I hit a six. I stood there seeing how far the ball had gone, when I spotted her in the crowd.
Wow she had grown more pretty than before.
Her eyes curiously looked around. With the rush of adrenaline I felt at that moment, my feelings towards her grew more.
I got a crush on Mango girl.
After the play, I went to the nearby street and bought a single ripe mango.
I wanted to see and finally introduce myself.
I guess she had no idea about my existence.
I asked people of that school if they knew where Pavithra was?
One of her friends told me that she was bullied and probably in the second floor.
I hurried there and found a classroom door locked from the outside. I opened it and saw her on the bench, fainted. I hurried to her and shook her up but she didn't wake up. I put the mango near her and went to get the school authority.

They took her to the hospital. I couldn't see her after that..

20 years old

Her father had come and spoke to my dad regarding fixing of our marriage after our college was over. I was very happy on hearing that. She would become my wife.. I couldn't wait

Over the weekend, Dhruv came to my house disturbed about the breakup with his girlfriend.
I knew she wouldn't last.
He was sitting and droning on and on while I was looking at the printed photo of my Pavi.
" I'm talking so much, and you are busy looking at that", Dhruv scolded me.
" Come on you are boring, I'll get you some water.. relax", I said and got up to get water after placing the photo on the table

The photo fell down, due to the wind of the fan. Dhruv spotted that and picked the pic up and looked at the girl his friend had a crush on since a long time. There was a very simple girl, and her smile reached her eyes. He had seen her somewhere... he couldn't recollect where..
He kept staring at those eyes for some time till Prem came there


" Hey finally you found interest to find out who my crush is", I remarked
" Yes, I have seen her somewhere Prem", he said

I wondered. " Perhaps.. "

" Anyways she is pretty right, she is going to be your future sister in law ", I said and took the photo from her hand and kissed it.

24 years old

I didn't see her after that for 4 years. At last after so many years she finally saw me.
I had gone to their house on my father's account and her father asked me to take her to the city with me.
I was so excited when she came out and her father introduced me to her and when she finally looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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