You climb on the window and jump downstair. You sprained your ankle when you jump. You get up slowly and look around. You don't know where are you now. You run in limp while try to look for the signboard of the place.

You was hungry and thirsty. It have been 3 days you been taken. You was unconscious for 3 days. You don't know where they taking you. You saw a pipe there. You drink water from there when suddenly someone pull your hair harshly.

Ray : Can you not trouble me like this?

He said and slap you hardly. You fall on the ground.

Ray : Your brother was not here, miss Y/N. They can't protecting you.

He grip your neck a bit hard and make you stand on your feet.

Ray : I already having fun to play around with your brother. How about we play something together?

He said and he carry you on his shoulder. He throw you in his room. You was crying silently. He unbuckled his belt and started to hit you with it.

You was lying on the floor weakly after he beat you up. Your lips and head was bleeding. Your body is full of bruises and has bleeding wound. Your tears was flowed slowly.


Jungkook have been found unconsciously at the same place with his motorbike. He have been take to the hospital.

His brother and father have been called to the hospital. They was rushing there. Jungkook unconsciously for 5 days now. They don't know when he will awake.

Jungkook slowly open his eyes and adjust it with the light there. He saw everything is white and have few machine next to him.

Jungkook : Y/N !

He jolted from the bed. He pull out the IV needle. He get down from the bed. He about to fall down when someone catch him.

?? : Jungkook, what are you doing?

Jungkook : Jin hyung, where is Y/N?

Jin : She still didn't be found.

He said as he put his brother on the bed again.

Jungkook : Ray. He is the one that kidnap her.

Suga : Ray? You mean Yang Raymond?

Namjoon : Dakho son?

Jungkook nod many times.

Jungkook : How about the tracker inside Y/N body?

Hobi : We already go to that place but that place is empty.

Jimin : They left already.

Jungkook : No.. No, hyung. Don't tell me that we lost her.

He said while get choked up with emotion.

Taehyung : Don't worry, Jungkook. We will find her.

Jungkook : This is my fault. I didn't careful enough...

Suga : Jungkook, this is not your fault. This is nobody fault.

Jungkook : I'm sorry, hyung. I should...

Jin : That's enough, Jungkook.

Jungkook : How's dad?

Jin : He was very furious. He at the HQ right now. He order everyone to look for Y/N.

Suga : We also need to go back to the HQ. We just come to check on you.

Jungkook : I'm coming with you guys.

Jimin : Going where?

Jungkook : To look for our baby.

Taehyung : Jungkook, you're stay here. Don't you know your condition right now? You have two broken rib. You can't fight for now. The doctor....

Jungkook : I don't care about myself right now. I just care about Y/N. I don't know what that bastard do toward her right now. I want to find her very soon.

Hobi : Jungkook-ah, you should think about yourself too. If you in injure condition, how can you protecting Y/N?

Namjoon : Hoseok was right. She need us. Seven of us.

Jim : Get well soon. Dad wanna talk to you. We will leaving first but remember, don't do anything stupid.

Suga : Don't act by yourself. It's not about us now. It's about Y/N. Her life is in bad person hand.

He said and Jungkook have to gave up. He nod understand. His brother left him there. He can't stay still but he have to. This is for his baby sister.

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