EP 68 - Bad Weekend

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It have been few days you got the tracking cip in your body. Today you and Jungkook going to the beach.

 Today you and Jungkook going to the beach

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This is what you wear

You rush to Jungkook room. You knock to his room few times. He open the door and smile widely at you.

Jungkook : Let's go, Princess.

You link arm with him and go downstair.

Jimin : Where are you going?

Jungkook : I'm promise Y/N to take her to the beach.

Taehyung : A date again?

Jungkook : Well. She prefer me more than you guys.

You hit his chest gently. You shake your head toward Jimin and Taehyung.

Taehyung : So you love Jungkook more than us?

He ask sadly. You quickly typing something.

Y/N : No, Taehyung oppa. I love you guys equally. Don't trust Jungkook oppa.

Jimin : Don't worry, Y/N. I know you love us equally. I don't trust Jungkook after all.

Y/N : Thank you ,Jimin oppa.

You said and hug him.

Jungkook : Let's go, baby.

Suga : Jungkook, remember what i told you before.

Jungkook : I know. I have to taking care of her. If not, i will get kill.

Suga : You know well.

He said coldly. Both of you going outside. You hold his shoulder to get on the motorbike. You wrap your hand at his waist. He start to drove away.

You guys was riding at the highway. Jungkook was happy when he saw you smile like that. He was drove the motorbike when suddenly someone hit the motorbike from behind. That's make you and Jungkook fall from the motorbike.

Jungkook : Y/N !

He call for you and try to get up. You take off the helmet and look at your leg. It's bleeding badly. You look at Jungkook. You about to get up when someone grip your hair tightly.


I want to get up but i feel a lot of pain at my stomach. Maybe because fall from the motorbike. I saw Y/N want to get up when someone grip her hair tightly. I getting mad.

Jungkook : Yah ! Don't touch her !

?? : What you gonna do if i want to touch her?

He place one hand at Y/N shoulder. I get up quickly while hold my pain. I about to run when i saw he place a knife at her neck.

Jungkook : Don't ! You don't hurt her !

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