EP 49 - A Deal ?

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You was sitting at the pool side while zone out. You still mad at BTS and your father about what happen. You still can't forgive them. Especially your aunt, Hye Lin.

?? : Why did you sitting alone here?

You look at that person and then back to the pool.

?? : Are you still mad with us by any chance?

That person ask as that person sit beside you. You stay silent. You ignore that person.

?? : Y/N-ah, trust me when i said that what we did is just to protecting you.

Y/N : Protecting me? By killing people ? What did you guys get from all this?

You wrote on your phone.

?? : We get to make sure that you are safe. Y/N, you know that we love you too much. You know that we can't bea to lose you once again.

That person voice crack. Tears threat to flowed down. You become weak when you saw it.

Your heart was too soft to things like this but you can't help but to be upset with what their doing.

?? : What are you guys doing here?

Both of you look at that person.

?? : Ohh Suga hyung...

Suga : Are you crying, Jungkook-shi?

Jungkook : No. I'm not !

Suga : Okay. By the way, why did you guys sit at here? Don't you guys feel cold here?

You roll your eyes as you get up and walk away without look at them. You go to your room.

You feel that you want to cry and tell someone about your problem. You sit at one corner and crying alone. This is not what you want when you accept them in your life.

You just about to love them but all this happen. You about to love them but it stop in the mid way again. You will be alone again in this world.


You didn't have meal with BTS and your father. You always have separate meal time with them after what happen.

You will go to school half an hour early from them just to avoid meeting them. You will have your lunch at school library or rooftop.

You alone again without any friends. Sometime there will be few students bullying you for no reason just because you was mute.

You was be in stress and pressure. Today you decide to go to the cafe. You want to relaxing your mind there. You was doing some work.

Jaeri : Welcome, Sir.

You turn around to bow at the customer but then you recognizes that person.

?? : We're meet again, Min Y/N.

Jaeri : You know him, Y/N?

You shake your head.

?? : Let me introduce myself again. My name is Dakho. I'm your father friends.

Y/N : He was not my father.

You wrote on your notepad and show him.

?? : Min Jin Gui is not your father? How about BTS? Aren't they your brothers?

Jaeri : Why did you want to know about them? Sorry to say but it's none of your business. Please leave if you didn't want to order anything.

You about to walk inside but he spoke something.

Dakho : You doesn't want to know who is your family, Min Y/N? I mean the real one.

You look at him.

Dakho : I came here to ask for your help. Can we have a talk a little bit? If you busy for now, i can come back when you finish. Can we do that?

You hesistated but nod slowly.

Dakho : Thank you, Y/N.

He said and smile at you before he left.

Jaeri : Y/N, why did you agree to meet him? If your family know...

Y/N : They are not my family !

You said in sign language angrily and then you walk inside. You feel guilty for mad at Jaeri. You know that she just worried about you.

You look for Jaeri and you saw her at the counter. You walk closer and pull her hand to gain her attention. She look at you softly.

Y/N : I'm sorry for being mad at you. I was stress lately.

You said in sign language.

Jaeri : It's okay. I understand. I just want to advise you a bit, please be careful with that man. You don't know him well and what he can do to you.

You nod understand. You already done for the day. You was walking back to the mansion when someone stop the car infront of you.

?? : Hi, Y/N.

Dakho greet you when he step out from the car. You bow a bit to greet him.

Dakho : Let's eat at that restaurant.

He said as he point one restaurant across the other side. You follow him and enter the restaurant.

You look around while the silent is so awkward. He keep looking at you with amused look.

Dakho : You're look alike your mother a bit. But it's obvious with your eyes and mouth. You're more look alike Suga, i think.

You look at him confused.

Dakho : Did you know what your family doing actually?

You stay silent but your silent enough for him to get your answer.

Dakho : Your father and your brothers killed my family. I was so upset and mad.

Y/N : They killed your family?

You wrote in your notepad and he nod.

Dakho : I don't know what kind of mistake that my family have done until they did that.

Y/N : I'm sorry for their behalf.

You wrote again as you feel guilty.

Dakho : If you feel sorry, can you help me with something?

Y/N : What is it?

Dakho : There are a hard disk and few documents that your father keep in his safe. I need you to take these thing for me. As a pay back.

Y/N : I can't...

Dakhi : You feel sorry for me, right? Okay like this... Take this cellphone and contact me if you already have an answer. But please don't let them know.

He said as he pass you a phone.

Dakho : And as a return, i can give you a freedom. I can take you away from them and send you wherever you want.

He want to give you the freedom that you want. But at the same time you didn't want to make your family sad. You were in a dilemma.

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