CH 46 - Visit

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BTS and your father have to fly to Jeju because they have some work to do. They left half of their guards with you. In order to protecting you.

They landed in Jeju around 3 pm with private jet. Their guards pick them up and take them to the cottage. When they arrive they, someone already waiting for them there.

?? : Hello, Jin Gui. Long time to see.

Jin Gui: What are you doing here, Dak Ho?

Dakho : I was waiting for you actually. There's a lot...of thing that we need to 'talk'.

He said while trace his finger at his gun. BTS was prepare to attack him.

Dakho : Relax, boys. Okay, i will straight to the point.

He said and shifted his position.

Dakho : I want **** Island. I want to conquer that place. I was planning.....

Jin Gui : It was not for you. It's for my special person.

Dakho laughing sarcastically.

Dakho : Did you already found the next of 'Mrs Min'? The next founder for Magic Shop? Who is that women? Did i know her? Is she same like your wife?

Jin Gui : It's none of your business. I bought that island for my special person. So i can't give it to you.

Dakho : Jin Gui, are you in love?

Jin Gui : No.

Dakho : Is Min Y/N is your special person then?

BTS and your father shocked when he mention your name. BTS hand turn into fist the moments he mention it.

Dakho : Does she know about that island? But don't worry, i will pass the island to your special person if you guys dead here. Or maybe....i can make she accompany me every single night...

He said in a teasing tone.

Jin Gui : You're bastard !

He said and point his gun at Dakho but before he could pull his triggerred, Dakho more faster and shoot your father at his chest.

BTS : Dad !

They rush to your father. Dakho left that place immediately. BTS have been under attack. Their cottage have been blown up.

BTS rush their father to the private hospital in Seoul. BTS just have minor injury. They start to hunt Dakho but first of all, they take down his business first.


You were at the cafe helping Jaeri and Mira. You was sweeping the floor and organize the table.

Jaeri : Y/N ! Y/N !

She rush to you.

Y/N : Why? What happen?

You ask in sign language.

Jaeri : Did you know that your father is in the hospital right now? He have been shot at his chest. He was in critical condition.

You are a bit shocked.

Y/N : How did you know about this?

Jaeri : Oh my god, Y/N ! This news have been spread everywhere. The billionaire of Min's have been admit in the ward. He have been attack at his cottage.

Y/N : Really?

You ask her.

Mira : You don't want to go visit your dad?

You shake your head.

Jaeri : Y/N, it's not nice if you didn't visit him. He is your father after all. I know what he did is wrong but there nothing wrong for you to visit him. Right? As for humanity.

Mira : Just to check him out.

Y/N : Fine. I'll go in the evening.

Mira : Cook something for him before you go.

You nod. You was at the apartment kitchen cooking for your father. You make some corn porridge. You put in tumbler and go to the hospital by cab.

All the guards bow at you and lead you to your father ward. You saw he still sleeping. You just put the tumbler on his table and left.


I open my eyes and try to adjust with the light there. I look around and there's nobody around. I sat up slowly and i saw a tumbler on my table. I touch the tumbler and it quiet warm.

Jin Gui : Y/N !

I take off the IV needle and rush to chasing her. I need to see my daughter. I went out from my ward and look around.

?? : Sir ? What happen?

Jin Gui : Where is my daughter ?

?? : She just go downstair.

I quickly run to the emergency stair. I hold my chest because it's hurt a lot. I reach downstair and start to look for her. I saw my sons there.

BTS : Dad ? What are you doing here?

Jin Gui : Y/N....

I run to her and hold her hand. She turn around and look at me with suprised face.

Jin Gui : Why didn't you stay?

Jin : Dad, your chest....

Her eyes widen when she saw my chest was bleeding again. The stitches got open. BTS escort me back to my ward. The doctor fix the stitches back.

She was sit at on the couch when she saw BTS talk with me. They help me to change my clothes and they help me to sat properly.

Jin Gui : Did you come here to send me this?

I ask while show her the tumbler. She nod once. I open the tumbler and pour it in one bowl.

Jin Gui : It's smell delicious.

I said and take a bite of the porridge. I keep smiling while eating her porridge. I finished it.

Jin Gui : It's taste so good. Have you eat yet?

She shake her head.

Jin Gui : What do you want to eat? I'll tell your brother to buy it for you.

Y/N : I don't want anything. I just come here to visiting you.

She wrote on her notepad.

Jin Gui : Are you still mad at me, dear?

She stay silent and look away. I sighed.

Jin Gui : I will send them back to Suwon like you want but please coming back to the mansion.

Lin : Brother, what are you talking about?

Jin Gui : What? I want to stay with my daughter. I willing to gave up anything for her.

Lin : Brother, think about you..

I about to spoke when Y/N get up and left. I take off my IV once again and after her. I hold her arm and make she stop.

Jin Gui : Princess, please.... Please come back. I can't live any second anymore without you. I will do everything that you want. I will send them back to where they belong. I'm promise.

She thin my hand gently and run away. I sighed. I saw my sons chase after her. I didn't able to make she stay. I'm crying as the image that she leaving me appear at my thought.

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