CH 42 - Found out

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You were sitting at the pool side while dip your leg inside it. You want to try to swimming but you didn't know how. Suddenly your brothers run and jump inside the pool.

The water got splash at you. You wipe your face with your shirt paw. Your brothers laughing as they look at you. They keep splashing the water at you. You get up and didn't see where you step.

You tripped and fall into the pool. You sank and float in the pool since you can't swim. Jimin quickly swim to you and hold your small body.

Jimin : Baby, you're okay?

He ask panicked. You wrap your hand around his neck so you won't drown anymore.

Jin : What happen?

Jimin : I think she didn't know how to swim.

He said and he help you out from the pool.

Namjoon : We're sorry, Princess.

They gather around you and check you out. They was worry. You make sign that you was okay. You get up and walk carefully to your room.

You change your clothes at the washroom and dry your hair. After done, you walk to your bed and lie down. Your eyes feel so heavy and you slowly drowsy to sleep.


You have notice that your brothers and father seems different lately. They getting home late. And they also looks mad until you feel scared to approach them.

You have seen your brothers coming back from somewhere with blood cover their shirt. You also hear your dad yell at them about something unclear. You become curious about what happen and what they talking about.

You plan to found out about everything. You was pretend to sleep when BTS come and check on you. You open back your eyes after they left. You climb and jump from your window.

You follow them and you hide at the minivan trunk. You hiding there well since your brothers was inside that minivan. You hear they talk about something but you didn't know what is it.

The minivan stop at one place after long journey. Your leg start to feel numb and cramp because sitting at the narrow place. They open the car door and greet someone. You shocked when you hear that person voice.

?? : Did your sister already sleep?

Jin : Yes,dad.

?? : Let's go. We need to finish this soon.

BTS : Okay, dad.

They said and get off from the car. You also slowly get out from the trunk and follow them quietly. You make sure to hiding well.

They walk into the forest and walk further. You still follow them without think anything. You hiding behind one big tree.

You saw they beat few people in the middle of the forest. You go a bit closer while still hiding. You widen your eyes when you saw one familiar person and that's person is Hada.

You close your mouth and you start shaking when you saw they take out their gun and point at few guys including Hada. You gasped when you saw Jungkook shoot one man.

You were too shocked until you didn't realise what did you step on. They look at your direction when you accidently step on the broken tree branch there.

Taehyung : Whose there ?

He shout send a shiver to your body.

Dad : Get rid that person !

He command and then Taehyung start to walk to your direction. You walk backward and start running away. Taehyung and few guards chasing for you.

You was running away with all your mighty. You was too scared until you fall because you tripped of the tree branch. You was crying and suddenly someone hold your shoulder. That person turn you around.

Taehyung : Y/N ?

He gasped shockly. He forget that he wear a earpiece that connected to others and the others can hear what happen around him.

Taehyung : W-what are y-you doing h-here?

You remove his hand harshly. He try to get closer when you push him away. He fall on the ground and you take chance to run away from there.

Taehyung : Taehyung, what happen?

He yell through the earpiece.

Taehyung : Hyung, we're mess up..

He said while still in shocked.

Hobi : What do you mean?

Taehyung : Y/N.....Y/N is here. She saw us.

He said and get up. He start to chase after you. He keep yelling your name while the others start to run to find you.

Taehyung : Baby, stop running !

He shout and still chasing you.

Taehyung : Y/N ! Stop ! There are a cliff in front of you !

He shout and make you stop running right at the cliff side. Just one more step and you will fall down. You panting hard and Taehyung stand few feet from you.

You didn't turn around. You stay there while crying. You feel betrayed after what you saw. You feel hurt when you know that your family still didn't leave their bad job.

Suga : Y/N ...

He call you softly when the others arrive there.

Lin : Y/N sweetheart, step away from the cliff.

Dad : Y/N dear.....

You slowly turn around and look at each of them. Then you look down at the cliff. It's dark and you can't see anything.

Jin : Y/N, do not think anything stupid, baby. You're not that kind of person.

He said gently. You sighed while staring at the dark sky. It's bright because thousand star accompany the dark sky.

Lin : Y/N baby, let's go home. It's getting cold here. Okay?

You didn't response but keep staring at the dark sky. Your tears flowed more faster even you try to stop it.

Das : Sweetheart...what you...

He stop talking when he saw you typing something on the phone. You walk passing Hye Lin and pass the phone toward her. Then you walk away slowly. They gather around and look at your note.


Thanks for lie to me. I'm leaving.

They start chasing you again. Suga hold your hand and make you stop. But you didn't look at him.

Suga : Y/N, please listen to us first....

You pull back your hand harshly and walk away. They start to follow behind you.

Jimin : Y/N, did you hurt?

He said because he saw blood at your leg. You ignore him and still walking.

Jimin : Y/N, let us carry you. It's still far from the main road. Your leg will get wo....

He stop talking when you stop walking. You turn around and look at him with dark eyes. None from they dare to talk with you.

You turn around back again and start working with your injure leg. BTS heart feel shattered when they saw your condition like this. Your tears is their weakness.

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