CH 24 - Anger and Worry.

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You was at the school. You was at the toilet. You about to step out from there when few girls get inside the bathroom and block your way.

It was the maknae girlfriend. They keep targeting you since BTS become close with you. And yes, the student still didn't know about your status.

Two from them hold your hand and pin at the wall. You was struggle to escape. One girl punch your stomach few times and slap your face hardly.

?? : We're fucking telling you to stay away from our boyfriends!

Yeseo, the blond hair girl talk to you rudely. The black curly hair girl, Hani pull your hair harshly. The last one, she have dark brown straight hair, Soeun.

Your eyes widen when you saw Hani pull out a folding knife. You was shaking your head scaredly. She smirking while she play that knife at your arm.

She slowly cut your arm and your arm started bleeding. They just laugh evilly. She cut it more deeper and you stomp your feet out of the pain.

Soeun : This is the last warning, honey. If you ever get close with them again !......

Yeseo : Then we will make a scar on your face, bitch !

Hani : Let's go, girls.

Each of them punch your stomach again before left the bathroom. You fell down on the floor and crying hardly.

It's not that you never try to stay away from BTS but the more you stay far from them, the more they getting close. You try to ignore them a few times but they end up clinging at you all day.

You was crying messily. You don't know how you can tell your brother about this. You don't want to create any trouble but after one trouble, there coming another one.

Your hand didn't stop bleeding. You have to go to medical room. You wash the wound and wrap it with tissue first. You was shocked the moments you step out from the washroom when you saw one of your brother. It was Namjoon.

Namjoon : Y/N ? What happen?

You shake your head and about to go but he hold your injure arm. You hissed in pain.

Namjoon : What happen? Who did this to you?

You get scared so you run away from there. Namjoon was shocked. You run to the medical room. The doctor was treating you when suddenly Namjoon barge in.

Doctor : Young master, what are you doing here?

Namjoon : Get out ! I need to talk with her !

He said coldly.

Doctor : But she need the...

Namjoon : I won't repeat twice.

He said again. The doctor left. Now it
just you and him. You avoid his gazes. He sit at the doctor place and look at your injury.

Namjoon : You don't want to tell me? Huh ?

You shake your head.

Namjoon : Y/N, i will tell you something. You should let me know now before the others because you won't be tolerate their anger later.

You remove his hand and pull back your hand.

Namjoon : Y/N, don't you see your hand is bleeding?

You ignore him. You roll down your sleeve so the wound can be cover. You take your bag and left. You walk angrily to the car. You get inside and sat at the door side. Namjoon also there. He open your door.

Namjoon : Step out ! We need to talk !

He said coldly while try to control his anger. You ignore him.

Namjoon : Min Y/N !

Suga : What happen, Namjoon?

All of them curious.

Jin : Y/N, anything happen?

You shake your head. You have your hoodie cover your head so they didn't see your wounded lips. All of them get inside the car.

Namjoon : We better settle this at home.

You stare outside the window. Not too long, you guys arrive home. You step out from the car and slammed the car door. It's makes everyone shocked. You walk away but then Namjoon shout.

Namjoon : You don't give that attitude toward us, Y/N!

You turn around and look at him with dark eyes. The anger was taking over you.

Y/N : So what if i did?

You wrote angrily and show him.

Namjoon : I just wanna know who hurting you?

Jungkook : What do you mean by that, hyung?

Namjoon walk to you. He pull down your hoodie that cover your head and roll up your sleeve. The others was shocked. They about to walk to you but you more faster to push Namjoon away and run inside.

You get inside your room and crying. Again and again. You want to stop all this but you can't. You was in pain and exhausted with all this.

You wish you can tell them about this. But it was involve the maknae girlfriends. What if they argue because of you? You keep thinking about that.

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