CH 26 - Talk from Heart

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You didn't go to school the next day. BTS didn't allow you since your arm still bleeding. You was drawing something in your book.

Someone get inside your room but you ignore that person. He try to touch your hand but you remove it away.

?? : Y/N, i just wanna check your wound.

You ignore him and continue to drawing. He sighed and lean at the headboard beside you. He look at your drawing.

?? : Is that me?

You nod lazily. He take the photo and take a look. He can't help but smile.

?? : You draw me well.

?? : You draw me well

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

This is the drawing.


You look at him admiring the drawing. He smile and look at you. He put one hand at your shoulder and pull your closer.

Jimin : I love you, baby sister..

You were shocked because this is the first time your brothers said it.

Jimin : You know that all of us loving you, right?

You shake your head.

Jimin : Oh baby....You're such a cute creature. We're waiting for you for long time already. And trust us, we just want to protecting you and take care of you well.

You look at him and he seems sincere about it.

Jimin : Dad may kill us if he saw a single scar on your body since he was not around.

Y/N : What if i don't want to stay here anymore?

You wrote and he seems sad. He sighed and look at the drawing again. You scoot a bit far from him. You don't want to get attached with anyone.

Jimin : You know, Y/N...Before mom left this house, it was full with laugh and happiness. Everyone was jealous with our family including our family enemies. Mom is the guide star and the sun in this house. She bright every inch of this house with her presence. We also not like what you know. We was happy with her.

He said while smile a bit. Sad smile.

Jimin : But after she left, we lost our way. We lost our guide star. We lost our light in our dark tunnel. We lost everything. Yeah, maybe you saw us have everything but actually we lost everything. We lost mom. And we lost you too.

His tears flowed slowly.

Jimin : Dad was not like he was right now, Y/N. After mom left, he keep coming back home in drunk condition and slowly abandoned us. We also start to have our own life. Not like now. We're going out and coming home late. We do whatever we want. Because there was nobody going to mad at us anymore. Nobody care about us anymore.

He said again and you keep listening to his confession.

Jimin : But when we got to know that dad met mom again, you can't even imagine how happy we was. We was waiting like a crazy person. And it hurt us a lot. We were so happy when we saw her after 17 years. That's why when they say you are hurting them, we get so angry and treat you that way. But then, Aunt Lin come and said that she was fake mom. The real mom already passed away.

He burst into tears. You pat slowly her back.

Jimin : God take mom away but He replace her with you, Y/N. You has become our guide star and our light that bright our tunnel, Y/N. The moments you come through this house door, you already bright our life and we know we can make you happy. And we was so much excited when you agree to stay here. We have plan a lot of thing to do with you. Only God know how much we want you in our life.

You sighed.

Jimin : Y/N, i never saw my brother treat any person like how we treating you now. You know right how arrogant and cold we are.

You nod and smile a bit.

Jimin : I also never saw my brother this mad and worry because of somebody. They was like that because of you. Because you are our sister, Y/N.

He said again.

Jimin : So please don't come back home with that kind of condition anymore. If they can turn into hulk, they already did. We can do anything....anything for you, Y/N.

You wrote something.

Y/N : Are you trying to write a novel?

You ask teasingly and he laughing.

Jimin : So can you at least let us take care of you?

Y/N : Okay but no violence. Promise me?

Jimin : Promise.

He smile and hug you tightly.

Hobi : We also want a hug.

He whine while make puppy eyes. You saw the others was standing at your door room with a warm smile.

Jungkook : Hugs?

You smile and nod. They rush and hug you tightly. You guys hugging in group but without you guys realise, there was someone that watching all that with warm heart.

MAFIA BROTHER & MUTE SISTERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ