Vol. 1: Ghost of the Past

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A tick mark appeared on Manabe's head. She turned her full attention towards Horikita instead of Karuizawa.

Manabe: Okay, that's it! You're going to-

Kiyo: I'm warning you. Stop stirring up trouble at our table, or there's going to be consequences.

Manabe was beginning to feel cornered from Kiyotaka and Suzune's efforts to make her go away. It didn't help that the two weren't like Karuizawa so she couldn't talk them down. However, she hid her growing nervousness behind a cocky grin.

Manabe: Don't make me laugh. Take your warning and shove it up your-

???: Keep your tone down, Manabe. You'll attract even the teachers at this rate.

A gruff and menacing voice rang out from behind Manabe. For a moment, the girl winced upon hearing that voice, but she quickly regained her composure and turned around.

Manabe: But I have to teach this piece of trash a lesson! She had the fucking audacity to go to the same school as me! Not to mention, her stupid friends too!

A girl with long magenta hair that was tied into a high ponytail was walking towards Manabe, and she didn't look pleased.

She was wearing the same uniform as them, only her way of donning it was completely different. She wore the uniform like how a delinquent would; with blazer unbuttoned, her shirt slightly wrinkled, and her tie loose.

Ryuuen: Don't test my patience. You already crossed the line. Go back to your table and keep your mouth shut. Now.

Manabe: Tch.....

If the girl didn't feel cornered before, then she definitely felt that way now. She didn't want to do anything that would make this delinquent-looking woman angry, and so all she could do was swallow her anger and leave.

The girl turned to the Class D students after Manabe left, a toothy grin appearing on her face. It was quite confusing to tell whether she had bad intentions or not.

Ryuuen: Sorry for how my classmate acted to one of your friends. She's normally more tame than this. I'll make sure to punish her later for acting against my wishes.

The students of Class D were confused with what was happening, especially with regards to the new girl who showed up out of nowhere, just like Manabe had done earlier. Who was she? How did she know Manabe? Were they classmates or something? Why did Manabe look scared of her?

Suzune was the first one who found her voice after the magenta-haired girl showed up.

Suzune: Are you the leader of your class?

The grin on her face grew wider as she bowed her head in a mocking manner.

Ryuuen: Kakeru Ryuuen. From Class C. It's a pleasure to be your acquaintance, Suzune-chan.

That instantly got Horikita's attention.

Suzune: How do you know who I am?

The girl named Ryuuen shrugged her shoulders and began to chuckle.

Ryuuen: Kukuku, I have my ways. Until next time, Class D.

And with that, Ryuuen turned around and left them, leaving both Suzune and Kiyotaka thinking deeply about what transpired just now.

Kiyo: So that's Class C..... with that attitude, I'm surprised that Manabe's not placed in Class D with us.

Suzune: That's true, but if she was our classmate, then it would be bad for Karuizawa-san. From what I can tell, the two have history together, and it's not a pleasant one.

PlayboyKouji [Discontinued For My Better Fic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin