Prologue - Part 2

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After she walked a few blocks who should she see cycling up to her but Luka!

'Hey Marinette!' Luka says.

'Luka! You're just the person I was thinking of actually!' Marinette blushed.

'Really? Same here, but you!' Luka giggled. 'Did you get the macarons to the party on time?'

'Yeah, I did, thanks to you!' Marinette smiled.

'That's great! I was thinking of somewhere I could play you your song. Are you free now? Would you like to come with me?' Luka asked.

'Sure, I'd love to Luka!' Marinette replied.

'Awesome!' Luka grinned.

He gives her a helmet and she holds on tight again. Luka cycles over to the Louvre Art Museum.

'I didn't know that you like art Luka!' Marinette said.

'Yeah, I find it inspires my music. And the acoustics inside just add to it. I'll show you what I mean.'

He locks his bike in a bike rack and they go inside.

'I didn't bring enough money to pay for entry' Marinette said sadly.

'Don't worry, it's okay. I know the curator here; he lets me in for free as I often play guitar here as their stereo system with their ambient music often doesn't work too well. He was finding he was getting more visitors when I play my guitar here so he lets me in for free whenever I have a chance to play some music for the visitors.'

'Wow, that's so cool!' Marinette replied. 'I didn't know you know Mr Kubdel!'

'Oh, yeah, he's Alix's dad, right? I forgot you were in the same homeroom!' Luka smiled.

'Yeah. Art inspires my fashion design too!' Marinette blushes. 'But it's hard to find time to come here a lot.'

'Yeah, I know what you mean' Luka smiled lovingly at her.

They walk around for a little while looking at all the interesting works of art and chatted about how they made them feel.

They sit down in a big room and Luka gets his guitar from behind his back and starts playing Marinette's tune.

The ambience of the room did add just the right amount of echo to the song and even the people who were admiring the artworks smiled at the beautiful ambient music.

The song sounded so beautiful to Marinette as she closed her eyes and listened intently to every note.

'It sounds beautiful Luka.' Marinette said when he'd finished. 'It's like it's speaking right to my heart. You're so good at reading people's emotions.'

Luka blushed. 'I'm glad you like it Marinette. I call it: Marinette's Heartsong.'

She blushed as well at the name.

'Sounds perfect' she whispered.

'You're perfect...' Luka whispered and they leaned closer to each other and when their lips met it felt like time had stopped.

When they finally pulled away, they both blushed and smiled.

'Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?' Marinette giggled as she started fanning her face with her hand.

Luka giggled too.

'Let's go get some air' Luka replied with a smile.

They started to head towards the exit.

'I bet you like spending hours here huh?' Marinette said.

'Twenty minutes, tops. Then I get hungry. Are you...hungry?' Luka replied.

'Well, you know I could be.... starving!' she replied.

Luka chuckled. 'Come on, let's go!' he said as he grabbed her hand.

They got back on Luka's bike and cycled off. They heard Andre singing his sweethearts ice-cream song.

'Let's get some ice cream from Andre!' Luka said.

'You read my mind!' Marinette replied as Luka giggled. They stopped near Andre's ice cream cart.

'Hello Marinette! Good to see you again! And who is this?'

'This is'

Luka and Marinette looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

Andre smiled. 'Ahh, I know just the combination for you two! Blueberry and blackberry, a berryful combination it's true and with your artistic personalities it works for you two!'

'Sounds perfect Andre!' Marinette said as he handed her the ice-cream.

'Bon Appetit!' Andre said as they went to sit down along the canal.

A few minutes later Adrien and Kagami came to get some ice cream too. Kagami spots Marinette and Luka eating Andre's ice cream together and points them out to Adrien. He smiles. 'Oh, Marinette's on a date with Luka, no wonder she didn't want to hang out with us!' Adrien says.

'Shh' Kagami says. 'Let's leave them to their alone time.'

'You're right' Adrien replies quietly. 'They do make a cute couple.'

They get their ice-cream and go the opposite way and Marinette and Luka don't see them.










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