i - 가위바위보 (rock, paper, scissors)

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Awakened by the bright sunny light, Yeonjun opened his eyes. He felt a weight on his chest, without looking he pet the furball. The cat was rather light despite his visible size— seeing as he was 90% fur. He moved his cat off of him and sat up with a grin. Yeonjun was looking forward to his day at school so he got dressed in his uniform quickly, walking back into his room and meeting his cotton ball once again. He knelt down to pet the needy creature before standing again to grab his bookbag.

He stepped outside and glided down the hall to the kitchen where his normal breakfast lay. A piece of toast, already buttered, along with one of his mom's egg rolls. The egg rolls were secured in plastic wrap and the toast was still warm, with the butter evenly melted on top. He swiped up the toast and took a large bite out of it, setting his bag on a chair. He slid a few textbooks and a notebook that he was using the night before. He muttered a 'thanks' to his mom who had already left for work and finished the rest of his toast. He checked his phone notifications as he put down new food for his cat and grabbed the egg roll on the counter.

He checked the time before slipping his phone back into his pocket and heading outside into the sunny weather. He let out a quick sigh and began the trek to school. As the boy arrived at the school, he chained his bike then headed to his locker to get what he needed for his class.

The bell rang, reminding Yeonjun to head to his homeroom. When he arrived, he took his seat next to the window and took out his small notebook and waited for their homeroom teacher to start lecturing. Just as the teacher began, an interesting looking boy with a cold expression walked into the room. His body language was defensive; it gave off the vibe 'don't approach me unless you have something I want'. Yeonjun deemed him as unapproachable, the kind of guy he wouldn't appreciate running into on the streets. Yeonjun began to lose interest and brought his pen to the notebook paper, drawing small shapes and objects along the margins.

"Ah! You must be our transfer student. Remind me of your name," the teacher requested.

The man's expression didn't change; he glanced over at the class and observed them. Yeonjun could see his eyes travel up and down, then back up again, observing the class as a whole before turning his head back to the teacher.

"Choi Bonhwa, transferring from Hanyok boys school," He nonchalantly replies, more interested in the classroom's wall than his new homeroom teacher. Yeonjun sighed and looked out the window. This guy was definitely unapproachable, probably rude too. Thankfully, he already had people sitting in the desks directly around him so he didn't fret about having a grouchy seatmate.

Even so, Bonhwa was seated only a few seats away from Yeonjun, despite the displeasure it brought him. The homeroom teacher started the morning announcements and the class president, Soojin, soon jumped in to take attendance and announce our current scores compared to the other homerooms. Soojin eyes Yeonjun as usual while reading scores for literature.

"Some of us... Need to work on our literature skills so we can get out of second place. We only need one student to improve their skills to reach this goal. As usual tutors are available..." Yeonjun zoned out again, looking through the window, already knowing the rest of the lecture. He then rested his temple on his hand, refocusing on his doodles and longing for the first period bell to ring.

Most of the class despised the first period since it was math, but Yeonjun was actually good at math for a reason he couldn't quite pinpoint. That was how he made extra money as well, tutoring his classmates and middle school students. He definitely didn't have the best grades in the class but he also wasn't the worst. Parkha had the worst grades, and attendance, by far. He was well-off, much more than the rest of the class. He spent his days wasting money and dating women older than him. He made his minimum attendance and spent the rest of his days partying. Yeonjun didn't despise him, he was quite enjoyable to hangout with at the pc cafe—when he wasn't with any women or "friends". Yeonjun didn't get around much but he had developed a rather sturdy friend group thanks to Parkha.

His thoughts were interrupted by the math teacher tapping on the chalkboard, "Mr Han, we know you're smart but you can't just not pay attention in my classes. Please assist your friend with this problem." The teacher spoke. Yeonjun stood up with a silent chuckle. His other close friend, Taehoon, was standing by the board, a piece of chalk in his hand and struggling to answer the question they covered yesterday. Taehoon was a talker, and it often got him in a lot of trouble. If Yeonjun had to guess, he was talking with his seat partner; Jeonghwa. He knew Taehoon likes Jeonghwa so he wasn't surprised that he tried to talk whenever possible.

Yeonjun finished the problem on the chalkboard, walking back to his seat without another word, though he shot a look to Taehoon, 'you-owe-me-one'. When he had seated himself again, he copied the problem into his notebook so he could study it later that night.

Classes went by pretty fast that morning and soon lunch came. Taehoon and Parkha stood by Yeonjun's desk as he finished up the homework given to them.

"Why don't we go to a BBQ place, take a longer lunch," Parkha suggested. Yeonjun rolled his eyes, noticing that Parkha was checking his phone, most likely looking for an opportunity to meet his current girlfriend.

"First of all, ew. Second of all, no. Third of all, you need to attend the rest of today to avoid getting punished by Ms. Witch," Taehoon responded, punching Parkha's shoulder.

"What are you going to do, Yeonjun?" Parkha turned to the quiet boy and raised an eyebrow. Yeonjun didn't look up from his notes as he used his other hand to grab his bento out of his bag, setting it on his desk. Parkha scoffed and stepped away from Yeonjun's desk, leaning on the desk in the next row.

"You know he either brings his own stuff or doesn't eat, why do you even try?" Taehoon chuckled, "You can go hang with your girl without us, we don't need any truancy marks."

Yeonjun looked up and nodded, looking over at Parkha to see his response to the snarky comment. Parkha's attention wasn't at his friends, but on another person, sleeping at their desk. He then asked, "Should we wake him up so he can eat?"

Taehoon nodded, "Probably... I'm going to go get lunch so one of you can do it," he jumped off the desk and galloped out of the room, greeting other students in the hallway as he left.

Yeonjun and Parkha met eyes and held out their hands, making a silent agreement; "Two out of three?" Parkha asked.

"Yes, even if you lose," Yeonjun responded.

The two of them raised their hands, hitting an invisible surface as Parkha shot scissors and Yeonjun, rock.

"One, zero. Again," then after another round, "One, one. Again-"

"Wait, wait, wait, what if I owe you morning coffee for a week, can you go wake the emo kid up?" Parkha cowered, bringing his voice to a whisper.

"Only if you win, which you probably won't," Yeonjun replied, confidently smiling. He knew that when Parkha got like this he usually cast scissors, so he was planning to throw a rock and win-- as it usually worked out that way.

"Alright, alright, go easy on me."

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot."


Kit here! Hope you enjoyed those... 1,329 words! The idea of the chapter was brought up by Ken and was written (mostly) by me. Edited it on call with some friends :)

Status: proofread, edited (let us know if you spot something wrong! Even if it just doesn't sound right to you :))

If we don't respond to your wattpad dms, our discord server is in our description! Enjoy the next chapter soon :)

Allow us 5-10 for the next chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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