Chapter 18 - Oh no...

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    "What is the king doing here?" Ruv turned to face me confused.

As a bright aura walked through the carnival towards the Ferris wheel, I wanted to fall into hell and disintegrate.

"I don't know..." I slumped down in my seat partially because I wanted to disappear and because I didn't want the king to see me.

Suddenly, several cupids started to point at the kart me and Ruv were sitting in.

"What the..." I mumble to myself before the ride started rotating to the ground.

My heart sank when I was face to face with the king.

"We have a lot to talk about." The king glared at me with a hurt and angered face.

"Yes." I nodded before exiting the ride, leaving Ruv behind.

Ruv didn't say anything and it would hurt too much to look back at him. I followed the king back to the Sky Castle.

The entire way, Cupids and Angels gave me dirty looks making me feel worse about myself.

He led me to the throne room and sat atop the large seat. I looked at the glassy floors trying to hold back my tears knowing I was going to get disowned as the queen and probably even executed.

"You've barley been here and I hear rumors about you cheating on me. Of course I didn't believe them but had a bad feeling and decided to check on you."

I wanted to say something but decided not to and stood there. The king continued.

"Why, Y/N? Why with a former sinner like him? Where you using me?" The king's upset expression killed me. 

"I...I just wanted to keep my home safe...I thought if I could date Ruvzart and protect my kingdom then maybe it would be all good."

"Ill...give you a second chance...but please don't keep anything from me."

I looked up, surprised he just accepted it like that. It was weird and suspicious.

"Yes your majesty." Before I left, the king handed me a red necklace.

"Take this." I nodded quickly and turned around.

I then quietly exited the room only to hit something on the other side of the door.

"Ahh..." The Red figure groaned before looking at me.

"D-DEMON!" I shouted.

The demon began to ran. In less than a few seconds guards were surrounding the sinner, pointing their spears at it in a circle.

I then noticed Ruv entering the castle. Not even waisting a second, I ran over and gave him a hug.

"Ah, Y/N." Ruv patted me on the head and gave me a light kiss on the forehead.

"What is going on over there." He points in the direction to the demon.

They managed to get him in some cuffs and escorted him out. I didn't think much of it. I was just mostly freaked out since I hadn't seen a demon so up close.

"How come you are still alive?" Ruv joked.

"The king was surprisingly ok with it."

"That is good to hear."

That night before I went to sleep I forgot to take off the necklace the king had lended to me. It wouldn't have been bad to not have so I didn't think much of it.


The next morning when I got up I felt drained like I hadn't slept at all.

"Good morning Y/N. You seem tired." Carol greeted me with a plate with pancakes and fluffy whipped cream.

"Oh I don't know why but it feels like the energy has been drained out of me." I rubbed the back of my head with a nervous face before sitting down and eating.

For some reason no one else showed up at the table. Normally the king is there before me but apparently not this time.

He was probably busy or didn't want to see me after...well..what happened.

By the time I finished my breakfast I felt even more drained than before.

Suddenly the ground shook sending me out my seat, face planting on the solid floor. When I managed to get up, I rubbed my head looking around to see what caused the sudden shake.

When I barley made it to the castle doors I could hear loud voices but couldn't understand what they meant.

"Whats going on..?" At this point I was about to pass out and no clue on why.

"You may be the king of the heavens but you lack loyalty. Using that poor girl to win a war? Aren't you supposed to be an angel? Last time I checked cheating in wars was a sin-"


"I didn't know whats how you referred to your sister nowadays." Satina was lying on the clouds.

It seemed like they had been fighting. But I could get it. How were they related.

The things Satina had been saying didn't process in my head as I was now too weak to stand.

"Y/N!" something had caught me before I blanked out.

Carol's pov:

    I barley caught Y/N in time. I didn't think that father would go through with the 'plans' he had shared with me.

At first I thought he was joking when he said he was going to end up 'stealing Y/N's immaculate powers.'

Obviously I was wrong. I didn't know how he did it but he managed to do exactly so.

"Why..." A tear rolled down my cheek.

Seeing the way father had lost himself in the hierarchy was heart shattering. There was no getting him back.

The necklace!

A voiced warned me. I looked around to see who it belonged to only to see no one.

Remove the necklace!

I looked at Y/N's neck only to see a bright red gemstone placed in the middle of her chest.

"How the hell will I remove this!?" I said in a panic.

Hurry! She's Dying!

I was freaking out as I laid Y/N on the ground to use both hands and pull the death shard out her chest.

As soon as my hands touched the gem it started to sink deeper into her.

"Oh no no no!" No madder how hard I pulled It wasn't enough to take the gem out.

"PLEASE!" I slammed both my hands on Y/N's chest only for light beams shot out her chest.

The beams retracted back into Y/N before a loud bang could be heard blinding me. "...What...just...happened..."

Y/N's pov:

    "Welcome, Y/N." A voice spoke.

" I?" Looking at the figure confused.

"You are currently in your own mind."

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