Chapter 2- WHO IS THIS BITCH!?

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    I threw the abnormally tall man on the ground. We were all soaked. I purposely fluttered my wings in front of the man, covering him in water.

"Bitch." He flipped me offer then headed towards the exit.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are but you aren't not going anywhere." Sarv grabbed the back of his jacket and dragged him into another room.

"Im glad i'm not him." I giggled to myself before walking into my room.

I slowly undress as the water started running. I hopped in the nice warm shower before I remembered.

"Wait.." My eyes widened at the realization.

I shouldn't be able to even fly so how did I back there!? I quickly washed off, turned the water off, got dressed and ran to Sarv's room.

Before I could get there I ran into the tall man again. He tsked at me obviously mad.

"My names Ruv." He crouched down to grab my hand.

I blushed a bit before slapping his hand away and getting off the ground myself. He looked at me pissed but decided not to say anything and put his hands in his pockets.

Ruv wasn't wearing the Ushanka he had on earlier so I guess he took it off. His hair was still wet but beautiful.

"Im Y/N. Why are you still here?" I thought he would have run away by now but he's still in the church.

"Your friend casted some weird spell bounding me to the church. I can't leave without permission."

"So she's really trying." I whispered to myself.

"Hm?" Ruv hummed for me to repeat.

"Nothing important." I walked past him.

He turned around confused but didn't bother to follow me. My walk to Sarv's room was short as I  opened the door after knocking.

"Hey Y/N!" She jumped out of her chair and walk up to me.

"Why are you going to leave him here!? He tried to kill you!" I whispered loudly.

"But he seems like he needs another chance Y/N! Trust me I know what i'm doing!" She replied.

"Don't you understand!? You could have died! IF I DIDN'T GO LOOKING FOR YOU YOU WOULD BE DEAD!" I looked to the floor crying.

"If you're going to keep him here then stay away from me." I turned around and slammed her door closed.

I started to regret talking to Sarv like that. The words I said were harsh and I probably hurt her feelings.

My body swiftly turned around and heads back for Sarvente's room. I have to apologize! 

I slow down a bit when I hear talking. It sounded like she was talking to someone so I decided to listen closely.

"Im...sorry but theres...a sudden change of plans..You can no longer stay in the church. I must listen to the admins rules." Sarv's cries could be heard through the thin walls.

"It is alright. I don't need to stay in this lousy church anyway." Ruv replied harshly.


"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Ruv jumped back as I kick the door down.


"Y/N..." Sarv started to laugh.

I stop shaking the life out of Ruv to see Sarv rubbing her tears away. She smiles at me before giving the two of us a hug.

"If I have to be closer to this lunatic for any longer I might light the place up."

I glared at Ruv's for his comment and he quickly turns away.


I was working on some papers when I hear a knock on my door. I push my seat back as I get up to see who's on the other side.

"Hey." Ruv greats me with his deep voice.

I turn around and close the door completely ignoring his entire existence. He tries to talk to me through the door but I just ignore it.

"-Im..sorry." My ears pick up that one part of his sentence.

"What do you mean?" I turn my head to the door.

"I said Im sorry."


The door opens and Ruv gets surprise at the sudden wind as it barley hit him.

"Come in." I motion for him to enter.

"So what part of the church do you work at?" Ruv stood next to my desk looking at the papers scattered everywhere.

"Im the administrator. Also know as the admin of this chapel." I state proudly.

"Nice." Ruv says unamused.

"I actually started working on figuring out what part of the church you could use." I turned around to face the man.

"So where will it be?"

"Not in this one that for sure." I laugh evilly.

"Cука!" Ruv yells at me in Russian.

"I don't know what that means but you sound pretty pissed." Sarv enters the room.

"You'll be working in the other part of the church since the jobs are filled in here." Sarv points west where its located.

"It needs some cleaning is all. And your attitude could use some cleaning too." I start to laugh again in my hand.

Sarvente watches as we insult each other back and forth, wonder how it all happened.

"Go show him." Sarv demands out of nowhere.

"..Alright.." I walk out the room all gloomy.

Ruv glares at me at my sudden mood change. We walked through a rout neither me nor Sarv regularly go through. After a while we forgot about the west part of the church entirely.

"Theres a closet over there." I point to the right of the large room.

The room was huge and had many seats. There was also a large window that left the room beautiful in the daytime.

"You know you don't have to do this. You could easily kick me out." Ruv says feeling guilty after everything.

"If I didn't care about Sarvente then I would." I looked at the floor, smiling.

Ruv grabs my shoulder and turns me in his direction. "Thank you for taking me in, Y/N."

He slowly gets closer to my face making me blush crazy. I shove his head back when he got inches closer.


In the distance I can hear his laugher making me smile as well. I then stop, shaking my head at the nonsense.

second chapter q-q 

I didn't want to post it this late but I wanted to add more hehe😜

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