Chapter 14 - Up To The Heavens

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    "You...can do that?" I look at King Axel wide eye'd.

"As the king I am allowed to but if any other angel were to they would be death sentenced." He looked at me seriously waiting for an answer.

I took a moment to think about it. They would be ecstatic to know this but isn't there a catch?

There was no time to think. "I accepted your proposal."

"Ruv!" I run into his room.

"What is it Y/N?" He looked at me concerned about my burst of energy.

"We are going to the Heavens!"

He looked at me confused but I wasted no time and started to explain.

Soon I went to Sel and Raz and explained that I had accepted and would be heading to heaven the next day.

꧁The heavens are were angels are born and die. Any born angel has functional wings and magical powers. Humans that take form of angels have no powers and cannot fly.

The next morning the king had flown down with his cloud with his guards on wash side. "It will be a quick process." he explained to the three.

"You can become and angel." He pointed to Ruv. "While you two cannot."

"Why the hell not!?" Selever asked.

"Those two are demons and stained with sin that cannot be removed." He explained with reason.

"Then how will they get to the heavens..?" I asked worrisome.

"They can enter but they must never be left alone without angels. The citizens with target and try to eliminate them out of instinct."

I turned to look at the two. Selever gave me a smile and Razasy gave me a thumbs up.

"Ok." I turned to look back a the King waiting for whatever he was going to say next.

"Becoming an angel means you must die, Ruvzart the human." Everyone went silent at the fact.

"I..will. for Y/N." Wait did I forget to mention I didn't tell them that Sarvente could get revived? well I did now.

The only reason why they're coming is because I convinced them to. But now that I think about it maybe agreeing to this isn't a good idea.

Im an angel born and if Ruv has to die to become an angel he won't be able to leave the heavens without an agonizing pain that feels like death all over again.

"This will hurt..." King Axel warned before proceeding.

Ruv doesn't say anything in response. He just...stood there. Waiting for it to happen.

When the time came, the King pointed his staff at Ruv and just as quick as a flash, we all opened our eyes to see Ruv, wide eye'd and with a more shocked than painful look on his face.

His body fell to the floor and thats when we knew, he was dead.


The process for Ruv to be revived into an angel wasn't very long. And when he opened his eyes, they were pure gold.

"I am glad to see you again, Y/N."  Ruv's first words as an angel and reborn. Id cherish them.

"We should head to the Heavens now. I know how much the guards slack on the job while I'm gone." King Alex said in a joking manor before making the cloud larger for the rest of us.

I gulped as we quickly headed up to the sky. The clouds getting closer by the minute. By the second.

The trauma never haunted me until we were almost there. I closed my eyes hating the feeling as we flew past the clouds.

I could hear the gasp and aw's of everyone as we reached the center of heaven.

"feel free to look around. Me and Y/N have some things to discuss. Ill send one of my guards with you." As the king made his call, I was rethinking my life decisions.

Would the people of heaven even accept me? How could I make such a stupid decision!? They'll  know who I am!

"We will see you soon." Ruv turned around one last time before watching as me and Axel floated up to the Sky Castle.

"Welcome back." The guards all said in union.

"Welcome to the Sky Castle-"

"I already know this place." I said with a bland but sad look on my face.

"...You may be the new queen but don't forget your place, Fallen one." His voice never sounded so irritated since I met him.

"Ok." I looked around as we walked though the empty halls.

"I plan to throw a ball as a celebration to let everyone know you will be here to keep the kingdom secure and safe from other Sky Lands!" He says in a more cheerful voice as he lead me through his office.

"In five days we will be officially married and the magic you hold will be shared with the kingdom." He grabbed my hands and looked me deep in the eyes.

"I...ok. Im glad to know that." I gave him reassuring smile.

We both didn't have romantic feelings for each other so it would be ok to get married. Im pretty sure he'd be ok if me and Ruv dated.

Ruv 1stP POV:

    The Heavens were beautiful. It was always bright considering I learned angels don't need to sleep.

The king had servants give us new clothes saying 'they weren't fitting in the Sky Lands'.

They gave me a white button up with golden patterns and baggy golden jeans. Selever was wearing a white and gold suit and Razasy had a white dress with golden patterns as well.

While walking around it was not surprising but unsettling with how many people were glaring at us.

When the king said they did not like outsiders he was not lying. We had felt unwelcome with the way people treated us and were not let into some places and could not buy from others.

The best way to describe it as we were black sheep. Though the eyes on us quickly shifted to the dark clouds that began to spread.

The sky got darker and what rose from the ground shook everyone to their core.

Y/N's 1stP POV:

    Shaking? From the ground? Or clouds? Whatever it is it can't be good. Me and the king rush outside to see the sky was darker and a few clouds were darker than they should have.

A sudden hole formed and people started backing away while others began to run.

What rose through the hole was none other than Satina. She was the leader of the underworld other known as the Hell Grounds.

Two other people seemed to be staying by her side and the king wasted no time dragging me to the nearest cloud and brought us down to the main clouds.

The two people standing next to Satina were what I could assume were her guards. One of them looked familiar and when we got closer, I knew I was right.



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