Chapter 9 - Fangirl?

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The next morning, loud knocking came from the enormous church doors and standing there was a girl about half my hight. She looked like a fem version of the couple from a few days back.

"Can I help you..?" I asked bending down to her level.

"Hi! Im NuSky! I live around here and I want to join the morning and afternoon church meetings with you!" I reluctantly let her in to sit down after all it wasn't time for any meetings.

"Stay here. I'll go get Sarvente." I walk into the hallway and down to Sarv's office.


"Sarv?" I knock on the door a few times and hear 'come in' allowing me to open the door.

"What do you need?"

"A girl-uh-Nusky wanted to join my meetings but didn't specify why and didn't give a full name."

"Oh is that a problem for you? You're an admin, Y/N! You can do the files yourself if you want!"

"She just gives a very off vibe...but I'll give her a chance. I could be wrong." I tried to keep Sarv from worrying and left the office afterwards.

Nusyky couldn't be that bad. She looks like she's still 16 or something maybe I'm overreacting.

"Sooo?" She asked excitedly.

"I've decided to allow you to join my church meets though we don't have very long ones. Are you sure you want mine?"

"Of course! I admire you!"

"Why would you admire me?" I'm not even popular or anything..

Something was going on with this girl or maybe I'm insane after the past events.


The next day I saw Nusky outside the church through the large tinted windows. She looked like she had been waiting for a while for the gates to open but that wouldn't be for an hour.

I would have gone outside to talk to her but decided against it after a weird feeling waved over me.

When the time came, I open the gates to let everyone in. We had sang a few song then started to pray then the groups split up. Since it was my day, I was the one to lead the group of adults while Sarv was with the teens and Ruv felt with the kids.

Ruv dealing with kids sounds like an incredibly bad idea but we trusted him to keep his cool and not traumatize anyone.

(Im sorry if anything is wrong about church I haven't gone in years :') please spare me any Christians TvT )

We had reached the Eastern wing of the church and proceeded to confessions. There weren't many but I knew something was off with the last person.

"I have planned to work with an unidentified person to destroy someones life and take whats mine." And with that they exited.

A sinking feeling hit me like a fast ball but I tried to calm down as I had to get at and continue to do my job but it didn't feel right.

Just calm down, Y/N. Your freaking out over nothing...

"Sooo how was this mornings work, Y/N?" Sarv walked into the kitchen and slid a cupcake towards me.

"Remember Nusky? she opened her mouth to respond but I continue anyway "I don't care if you don't but she was super close to me the whole time and weirded me out."

"Maybe your just new to fangirls after all your not a fan favorite or a character at all..." Sarvente mumbled the last part but I shrugged it off.

"What are you two up to?" Ruv walked in looking like a mess with snack crumbs and stains on his coat and legs.

"Nothing but let's talk about what happened to your shirt." I look him up and down and point out the large drink stain.

"I am not in the mood for this, lyubov." I look confused and didn't know if it was a compliment or an insult.

"Y/N has a fan." Sarv said with a smug look on her face.

"SHE WHAT!?" Ruv looked at me, practically slamming his coffee cup on the counter almost shattering it.

"A. Fan." I get flustered and worried about how he would react.

"What does he look like? Is he touchy? Has he touched you? What-"

"Ruv, please! It's a female and Im pretty sure she only saw me once on a billboard or something."

I shrugged it off but Ruv didn't look like he was done with his questions especially since I didn't answer them.

"Well I should go shower." Sarv excused herself and quickly left the room giving me a smirk and a wink on the way out.

I blush knowing she intended to leave us alone on purpose. I look back at Ruv and he looks like a grumpy child. Or at least as childish his face could look.

"Hey don't worry. When the time is right we can make us official and have a committed relationship." My arms rapped around his neck, smelling soft, his gray hair.

"Please do not leave me for a fan." I could hear in his voice he was trying to keep it together but struggled.

I moved back and kissed him on the cheek. He had a small shocked look on his face before clearing his throat.

"Ah right I should probably get the afternoon group." I gave him a small smile and wave before leaving.

I don't want Ruv to be upset and more worried if this Nusky was just as or worser than Taki. We haven't even confronted her yet.

Hopefully things can go back to normal or as normal as they can get...


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