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(This poem is short, but comes with a long story. Back ten years ago or so, I was working for a college cleaning offices and such. And I was in line to become the Supervisors Assistant or Lead.
Then this guy came in and suddenly I was shoved out because a new guy started who would supply my boss with drugs, so she let him get away with murder.
Eventually, he'd start come in, clock in, and have a friend pick him up, so his car would still be there, and he'd show back up when it was time to clock out.
Well, one night, I was working on the third floor, and I stepped out on the balcony for a smoke.
A car pulled up to the clock tower across the way and flashed their headlights.
Then I see that guy who stole my job, turned my supervisor against me, while I had to do the work he wasn't doing while he was out with his friends, and he was getting all the credit for his "hard work"that I was doing walked over to the car, got in, and drove away.
Well, he happened to be a friend on Facebook. So I went home and wrote this and posted it, just to let him know I was onto him.)

When the night is cold and I'm feeling blue,
Meet me under the clock tower and under the moon.
Flash a light in my direction, to tell me it's you.
Meet me under the clock tower, and I'll be there soon.


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