28 16 8

(clearly written in the mid-2000s. 😆😆😆)

I sat on my bed, quickly put on my shoes
Hurried out the door, like I usually do
But for some reason, before I could leave
I stopped to look at what distracted me
I picked it up and held it in my hands
I never even give it more than a glance
That Hannah Montana doll that I put right here
It hasn't moved since we put it there last year
And here I hold it, then put it back down
It reminds me of you. I leave with a frown.
It was early, but you gave it anyway
As a gift to me for my birthday
I put it out so everyone would see
That I was good for you, and you were good for me
But by the time my birthday came
You changed your mind, not feeling the same
But I never put that doll away
It makes me feel better anyway


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