The sight of the crown took my breath away as I approached Edgar. The guards and maids took their place behind the throne. Edgar took a step toward the right and motioned for Keith and Kaleb to take their place. They released their grips from my hands. Keith stood on the left side and Kaleb stood on the right. Jen, Josh and Georgia took their places behind Anthony.

I glanced around the courtyard to see, at least, a hundred or more vampires gathered to witness my coronation. Edgar gestured me toward the throne. I realized I was holding my breath as I approached the chair. I felt like all of this was just some weird dream, but I knew this was real. All too real.

As soon as my butt hit the cushion, Edgar spoke up. "Councilman Reina will now read the vows of the coronation!"

From her robe, Reina pulled out a large scroll. She unrolled it and cleared her throat, readying her voice. I shifted my body side to side until I felt completely comfortable. I wasn't sure what to do so I kept my hands clasped together in my lap and my back as straight as possible.

"On this day, marks the official coronation of Queen Rebecca Lenson! From her birth as a human, she was assigned and chosen to fulfill the duties and bear the responsibilities passed on from late Queen Liliana. By her side are her mates, Keith and Kaleb Korren, sons of the astounding Riley and Liam Korren, who have dedicated their lives in assisting this cause and maintaining order between our people. This coronation signifies, moving forward, Queen Rebecca will accept the following vows to her people..." Reina began reading the vows, and I couldn't help but find myself drowning out her voice.

My eyes darted around, focusing on certain people, wanting to see how they looked at me. I saw few whisper in each other's ears and I perked up, curious on what they said. I wanted to know what they thought of me. I yearned for the truth about what they perceived of me. Did they think I was fit for the role? Did they trust me? What if they thought I wasn't good enough?

" you accept, Queen Rebecca?" Reina rolled the scroll back up and tucked it into her robe. Everyone waited for my answer. I swallowed hard, nervous to speak.

"I accept." With my answer, Edgar stepped closer and placed the crown on my head. Everyone clapped and cheered before they bowed down.

Edgar leaned closer and whispered, "You must rise and give a speech."

I did what I was told. I stood to my feet, careful not to drop the crown even though it felt secure. My head felt heavy. I wondered how much the crown weighed as my neck wanted to collapse on itself.

"Uh.." I glanced between Keith and Kaleb who encouraged me with their eyes. I wasn't sure what to say, so I had to wing it. "Thank you all for joining me on my coronation. I am grateful for your generosity and support. I, um, as your new queen have a request to make of my people.. I have a goal not everyone will agree with. Getting to this point, I have been through so much and my mates and friends and I have witnessed a lot of death. I want to shed a new light on everyone. I know we have been at war with the werewolves for quite some time now, but there was a period in which we did live together peacefully. My request is to you, that we may come together and help create this vision, and turn back time to where we can live in harmony once again. It is possible. Please, join me in ridding of those who work against us and harm others so we may all be united."

There were some murmurs from the crowd. They stayed bowing, refusing to accept my request and I felt defeated.

Josh stepped forward and some gasped. I guessed at official events as this, it was improper for others to speak up besides the queen and councilmen. But I didn't care, I wanted to know what he had to say.

"Listen up, everyone! You already know, but I'm a werewolf, loyal to Rebecca. You may not see her dream the same, but stop doubting this shit for once. I support her goal. We all speak of peace and tranquility the same, and the only way we can do that is to be united among our races. There are so many other werewolves like me who are tired of this war, tired of trying to conquer one another. It is time we stop with this. My mate is a vampire, my friends are vampires and I am not ashamed. I love it, I love being united like this." Josh grew agitated and he shifted into his wolf form, his clothes tearing off and falling to the ground. The vampires around us gasped as his head lifted up and he howled into the sky.

In the woods that were nearby, several howls followed suit and the vampires all jumped to their feet ready to attack in fear. Dozens of werewolves in their animal form charged toward us and the vampires turned around with their fangs showing. The werewolves all jumped, soaring over the vampires and they landed in front of the throne. Edgar just about had a heart attack, but me and the others weren't fazed by it.

Josh shifted back into his human form, now fully naked, and he took a few steps forward. "These werewolves aren't here to fight you. They're here to fight with you."

The vampires were still on edge, not wanting to back down. They kept their eyes closely on the werewolves but their attention on me. "I will not stop until we achieve this. I will fight day and night for you to see this new world we speak of. But first, we must take down Troygen and Zach, the ones who hate us and wish to see our demise!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I desperately screamed out, calling to them, wanting them to feel the ambition and rage I felt. I wanted my new people to see what I could see.

With much consideration, the vampires soon one by one began bowing back down. These were only a few of the thousands of vampires scattered across the world, but if these can accept me, I felt it wouldn't be too hard to convince the rest. I hopped up in excitement, squealing like a little girl. I was beaming with joy.

"I now declare, the new Vampire Queen Rebecca!" Edgar announced to everyone. The vampires got back on their feet and began cheering and clapping. The werewolves in front of us shifted in their human forms and Josh walked up to them.

I turned back to gaze at Keith and Kaleb who wore proud looks on their faces. I smiled at them, I felt glad they were by my side. No one could understand how much their support and love meant to me.

The end of my coronation was one step forward on our new journey.

We were so close to victory that I could almost taste. All our plans that we dedicated our time toward, all our efforts, are constant fighting and running made me grip on to the future even tighter.

I became more and more ready to face Troygen and Zach. I could just envision the looks they would have on their faces as I tore everything they ever wanted down, shattering their hatred toward vampires, ripping apart their evil-filled hearts.

Even though I didn't want to admit, because I didn't want to become savages they were.. I hated them just as much as they hated us.

I truly and honestly desired to end them.

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