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Imperial Capital, Phnom Penh

Kambe looks at the paper Adler gave him before leaving. 

Kambe: "So this is the number I have to call huh?"

Rollin: "Sir, A message is coming in from that commander of yours."

Kambe: "Open it up."

Rollin goes to a large screen and turns it on. Commander is there waiting for them. In the background is a large base in the jungle.

Commander: "Good to see you are well."

Kambe: "Same to you."

Commander: "I'll get straight to the point: We  have enough resources to push an offensive on the United Maoist front."

Kambe: "Why the maoists? I figured the Siambodians were less capable of defending against us."

Commander: "Well, it is true the Maoists have more capabilities, but the entire reason why they have those capabilities is because they possess the Angkor Wat."

Kambe: "I haven't heard of that name for a long time."

Commander: "Well, though the Angkor Wat seems old, it provides a morale boost to everyone living in Maoist territory. Taking this structure will drop civilian morale and turn the tide to our favor."

Kambe: "Well, I wouldn't say it matters because most of our soldiers are made from wood, but humans still are useful. Alright commander, permission is granted to launch an offensive on Siam Reap Province. If any resources are still expendable, Push towards Menshevik, Socialist, and Siambodian territory."

Rollin: "Sir, what about the Rouge?"

Kambe: "Save those. They are too powerful at the moment."

Commander: "As you wish, sir."

Rollin turns off the screen. Kambe takes a look at the paper once again and looks up towards Rollin.

Kambe: "Dial that number."

Rollin dials the number on the screen. A silence is heard for a moment, but the screen then boots up and a woman appears on it.

 A silence is heard for a moment, but the screen then boots up and a woman appears on it

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

???: "Hello. You must be the Proclaimed emperor of Angkor."

Kambe: "You are correct. I'm sorry, may I ask your name?"

???: "I am Kalina. The logistics officer for Griffin & Kryuger."

Kambe: "Griffin & Kryuger? That must be the trading company Adler talked to me about, right?"

Kalina: "Well, it's not really a trading company. It's a private military company. We use T-dolls to maintain stability and fight against Sangvis forces."

Kambe: "Sangvis? Hmm. I'll need more explanation with it some other time. Let's cut to the chase: I am supposed to visit you guys on a diplomatic mission to instigate trade between us. but Asia is currently in a state of war after the Neo-Soviet Union formed. Do you have any idea how we can travel up to Russia safely?

Kalina: "Hmmm. Did Adler write a location on the paper he gave you?"

Kambe: "Yes, he did."

Kalina: "That's the location we will be picking you up from a helicopter. Go there, and at the airport, there should be a blackhawk that will fly you to us."

Kambe: "Thanks. Good to know. I'll be heading there immediately."

Rollin turns off the screen. 

Rollin: "So? Let's go."

Kambe checks the paper one last time.

Old US Embassy, Saigon.

Rollin: "Saigon? That's a long way from here. How are we going to make it?"

Kambe: "We're taking a plane."

Rollin: "So couldn't we travel to Russia from here?"

Kambe: "Yes, but not where we want to go in Russia. They have a secret base."

As Rollin and Kambe leave the complex and enter the airport, Kambe looks back as his imperial guard cheer him goodbye.

Kambe: "This is gonna be one hell of a ride!"

The little pp degenerate bible for weebsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें