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Kambe Axelsen and Adler Barrett were pretty ordinary people. What wasn't ordinary was the fact they were both poor and lived in a shaggy little hut on the coast of Cambodia. Nowadays, the Cambodian government had fallen, and a state of anarchy ensued. Adler stared into Kambe's eyes and said,

"I don't think we can keep living like this."

Kambe: "You've never seen it?"

Adler: "seen what?"

Kambe: "there's an old Chinese junk thats stuck on that rock over there."

Kambe pointed at the sea. Just a few kilometers off was a battered wooden structure crashed on a large stone. A shiny object could be seen, only no one could make out what it was.

Adler: "You know what? Remember how we both wanted to establish a trading company like what those British people did?"

Kambe: "Of course I do."

Adler: "I was thinking we should take the treasure off of that poor piece of wood and sell it for money."

Kambe: "Dude that stuff probably is like 400 years old it'll break before we even get a chance to sell it!"

Adler goes to a drawer and pulls out a blade, a brush, and some cleaning supplies.

Adler: "That's why I have these."

Kambe: "Ok, what are we waiting for, let's go."

The two boys got into they're fishing canoe and rowed all the way towards the junk.


Kambe looked all around the ship and found treasures like bracelets, necklaces, and even an old matchlock pistol, while Adler set out to find the shiny object. Turns out the shiny object was nothing but a well-preserved statue of the buddha. Eventually they decided that it would be best if they dragged the wood parts home and rebuilt the ship.

Adler: "You sure we can even do this?"

Kambe: "Of course we ca- oh shit..."

There were a platoon of gunboats that surrounded them. Off to prison they go!

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