─Chapter Eight

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Eight: The Test

After the familiar feeling of a tug behind her navel ended, she found herself face to face with the ground. She pushed back and sat up, observing the surroundings with narrowed blue eyes.

It was eerily dark and a cold wind greeted her, sweeping over what seemed like a closed room. Ginny groped around for a while, wandless due to her fall. Finally she smacked something and the lights came on.

To the north was a strange steel door with a bay's head shaped knob. Her wand which was lying some feet away from her but she did not move to retrieve it. She stood there, observing the mysterious door and after a few minutes, she looked around.

The room was dreadfully flat and void of any thing but there was something interesting about the south of her. There was a lone shadow, shaped roughly like a rectangular rhombus. There arose the question: what object's shadow was it?

Her brain raced through numerous lists of spells and her feet edged closer to her yew wand. Picking it up and raising it at the door, she muttered, "Specialis Revelio!"

The door dissipated through the walls and when she wheeled around, she saw that the very same door was behind her, acting as the object to the shadow.

She walked to the door and opened it. Her wand was at the ready to face any new obstacle but when none came, she walked into the new room.

The door closed behind her with a jerk and she jumped lightly. Before long, something flew by, whistling past her cheek. Her eyes widened as a troop of black bats charged towards her.

It seemed ironic that the girl who knew how to get bats out of others boogies was herself getting slammed by the very same creatures.

She flailed her arms helplessly, trying to think of a way to get rid of the flying mammals when her eyes spotted a beam of light coming from something that looked more like the 'cambera' which her dad often talked about.

Ginny threw herself on the ground and rolled over so that she was on her stomach before aiming her wand at the strange Muggle contraception.

"Reducto!" she shrieked and the object blasted into several pieces. The bats dissipated into nothing and an unfriendly silence fell upon the room.

Puffing, Ginny got to her legs and looked around. It was pitch dark and her pupils could not adjust to the blackness.

"Lumos." The tip of her wand glowed and illuminated the whole room, somewhat making it glimmer and bask in the light.

Spotting a door to the left, she approached it carefully before blasting the door apart and crouching behind the wall of the lit room. When nothing happened, Ginny peered around the corner and when she was satisfied that no flying mammals would hurt her, she walked in.

The room was like a dark forest. It was filled with thin trees which provided a shady canopy. The air was so cold that frost accumulated on her eyelashes. Ginny looked ahead and found a small clearing. A shadowy figure was standing in the midst of it.

She creeped a little closer and the figure turned around, sensing her presence. It had iridescent red eyes and stained, pointed teeth. In pure horror, Ginny realized that she was facing one of the most bloodlust of creatures – vampires.

The vampire glided towards her as the icy temperature dreadened even further. She felt absolutely numb with fear and thought it would be the last of her days on earth.

Pushing away the dreadful thought, her legs started to act on their own accord as she ran through the woods, the vampire hot on her tail. She had to think fast. What would a vampire fear? Yes, that was the only question and the answer to that will drive the creature out and she would be able to make it out alive.

The Titans of SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora