─Chapter Twenty Nine

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Twenty Nine: Mysterious Thing Time

She opened her eyes as she felt her hair hit her waist softly. Harry was standing in front of her, wide-eyed and open-jawed. Ginny felt her cheeks go warm; what if he did not like this? He hated Dragonfly did he not?

"Please say. . . something," she said lowly, looking at her feet. The next minute she was in his arms.

"I am speechless. I am such an idiot, ain't I? You were with me all along, both as Ginny as well as Dragonfly but I never realized. How could I be so thick whilst being in love?" he said slowly. Ginny hugged him back.

"You aren't the only one. . ." she whispered. He pulled back and smiled at her, causing butterflies to fly in her stomach.

"Gin –" However before Harry could complete his sentence, Blackburn walked in followed by Silverflight.

"Ah. As I predicted," Silverflight said, winking at Harry and Ginny. "So you both call it quits eh?" she asked. Harry looked at Ginny but she sternly nodded at Silverflight then looked at Blackburn.

"I loved being an Unspeakable although times got significantly tough a-and I don't think I can continue being one."

"You were a remarkable Unspeakable, Miss Weasley. I'm sure this department will sorely miss yours as well as Mr Potter's alliance," Blackburn said, nodding at Harry as well. "But I must make a point clear: destiny will force you to take up your jobs in time."

Confusion filled Ginny but before she could ask a question, Silverflight spoke up. "Now, I know you guys know what happened but you must know what really happened. Blackburn, do the honours."

"Right. Have any of you both known or heard about Gellert Grindelwald?" he asked.

"I think he was a dark wizard who fought with Headmaster Dumbledore?" Ginny supplied. Blackburn nodded.

"Right you are, Miss Weasley. He was a Dark wizard and a Wizarding revolutionary leader. His main move started in the US when the Magical Congress of The United States of America was leading the state during the time. That's enough case study about him. Have you any idea about Tom Riddle?"

"Another Dark wizard?" Harry said dryly.

"Yes. He was a widely feared Dark wizard who believed in blood supremism. In other words, he wanted to eradicate the world of muggleborns. As you might have guessed Gel was the shortened pseudoname of Gellert Grindelwald whereas Confusion was Tom Riddle's," Blackburn explained.

"Riddle and Confusion?" Harry asked. Blackburn laughed.

"He is quite fashionable, you see. Riddles cause confusion after all," the Unspeakable replied then sobered. "You see both of them are men from the 1940s. Does it ring a bell?" Harry and Ginny looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"They time travelled!" Silverflight supplied, waving her wand lazily. "A really clumsy friend of ours dropped a special Titan time turner in the year 1940 and it has somehow found its way to Grindelwald who has time travelled to the year 1943 and picked up a young Tom Riddle. From there, the villain duo have managed to come to 1998 to cause mayhem and eat our heads."

Blackburn nodded before speaking up. "The main thing here is that both of them were hungry for two people: Albus Dumbledore and you, Harry Potter.

"Dumbledore openly opposed Grindelwald when the latter was at the peak of his power. In fear of being defeated by Dumbledore, Grindelwald sought out for what is called as the Deathly Hallows. A ring which could bring back the dead; the wand of elder, the most powerful wand ever created and lastly, the cloak of invisibility which the Potters possess. Since he could not get them back in time, he time travelled to the 90s to get them. On his way, he has picked Riddle up. You see Grindelwald was a smart man. He knew about a prophecy which foretold the defeat of Riddle at the hands of an infant in other words, you, Harry. He probably would have accidentally time travelled to 1980 when the prophecy was made.

"Riddle, too mad with frustration, accompanied him in hopes to kill you earlier than you were supposed to defeat him.

"The time turner was dropped in 1940 and Grindelwald might have travelled to 1943 to pick young Riddle up from where they have reached 1998, the year when Albus Dumbledore was at one of his weakest points and Harry Potter, at one of his most vulnerable times," Blackburn explained.

"Will they be sent back then?" Harry questioned. Blackburn answered him.

"No. They won't be able to stand it. You can see that they aren't as old as they look. Riddle is supposed to be what, fifteen. Mysterious thing time. When meddled with, causes severe consequences. Only those fit can do extraordinary things to save the timeline."

"Tell Gilligan that the Titan is hid safely in shelf 99. He won't understand it just yet but in the future, he will," Silverflight said before placing her hands on Ginny's shoulder. The brown of her eyes as she looked at Ginny felt strangely familiar; it was as if Silverflight was gazing into her soul.

"Silverflight." Blackburn's voice broke their gaze. "It is time."

"Good luck," Silverflight wished.

"Do not fret about whatever happened now. Think about tomorrow. Know that whatever happened until today, now, was intentional. You will need that particular bit of knowledge in the coming years. All the very best for the future. Enjoy your days. Don't forget that. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed. Goodbye Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley. Tip pip." The words of Blackburn triggered something just the way they always did and Ginny felt a draining sensation. Just before she was teleported, she saw a glint of silver on Silverflight's left hand and the cheerful Unspeakable winked at her. Then everything went black.

When she opened her eyes, she was staring at the ceiling of her four poster canopy bed in the Gryffindor girls dormitory. She was back at Hogwarts where everything started.

Ugh! This chapter got deleted as soon as I finished writing it so it definitely isn't up to the mark.

Anyways, did you guys guess another Easter egg that I left in this chapter? If you did, them comment!

Another chapter to go and the epilogue. TToS would be done.

Your thoughts on this chapter? Comment!✨

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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