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Story: The Titans of Secrets

The silent night along with the eerie sounds of rustling of the leaves were adding to the dark atmosphere's gloom. A silvery cloud drifted over the trees and the mountains surrounding the woods, its edges glowing ever so lightly from the moon's naughty beams.

The quiet stillness of the place was ruined as an explosion shattered the night and the sound of bodies falling to the ground reverberated. The trees blocked the sky from view and cast rippling shadows on the ground, preventing the newly arrived from seeing anything beyond themselves.

"Curse the thing!" an hoarse voice swore. "Where are we Gel?"

"Probably when our enemies are too old and too young respectively," a deep voice, presumably that of Gel's, answered.

"Do you really think this would work?"

"Positive about that, Confusion."

"Good. If it doesn't, I'd regret teaming up with you and travelling using an old man's inventions," Confusion sneered.

"He might look old but he has the knowledge of five centuries. Surely you can't underestimate him."

"Five? It's probably six or seven now," Confusion snorted. "I just want to get that baby killed and that stone which is sent to the future."

"You do realize that baby isn't a baby anymore, don't you?" Gel asked as they walked for a few metres. Confusion sighed, rubbing his hands over his handsome face.

"We are here as mutual colleagues, if you could call us that. You help me with what I require and I help you with your mission. There is no need to call on others. Is it fine?" Confusion asked rather harshly. Gel sneered.

"I'm older and much experienced than you, Confusion and I can be much persuasive than you are."

"This whole thing sounds like utter rubbish. How on earth did you find me?"

"Travelling through a dangerous thing can cause confusion, if I remember correctly, Confusion."

"Foolish names," Confusion snorted.

"One must be smart whilst in an entirely different dimension. Who knows how our fame has spread over this place?"

"You talk of this dimension as if you have known it all your life. How, Gel?"

"Experience, as I said before and I'm sure my 'enemy' has got plenty of those by now. As for yours, he would be as dumb as a chick. Know what teenage boys can't stand?" Gel asked.

"Being emotionally abused?" Confusion's voice was unsure as it echoed throughout the forest.

"You speak by experience, don't you?"


"That's why I am glad I recruited you."

Confusion scoffed. "We are colleagues. Not employer-employee. Have I made myself clear?"

"For your part, we need to brainwash at least one of his family members," Gel said, disregarding Confusion's displeasure as they crept up the small valley, wands held in hand. A slow and steady mist was forming along the valley's floor, almost dense enough to obscure their feet.

"But who?"

"I'm afraid everything can't be revealed before observing, Confusion."

"Let's find a place to stay while we plot," Confusion suggested.

Gel nodded and the two grabbed hands before disappearing.

Unbeknownst to them, two other hooded figures had witnessed their conversation and sudden appearance.

"Are they –?" the first one with a tiny voice asked. Several long minutes of silence reigned as the mist started travelling up to the mountains.

"Yes. They are the ones who Future has prophesied about. You know what to do. Am I right?" the second figure broke the silence with a question of his own.

"I do. But recruiting students now is going to be a tough task what with convincing the ministry and Albus Dumbledore."

"Why is it that he had to join school just this year?" the deep voice sounded desperate.

The first figure sighed. "I wish I knew the answer to that. If I had known I would face such obstacles being the head of the fieldwork department, I would have never signed up for this damned position."

The moon, cradled between the peaks of the mountain, seemed to be mocking them for their lack of energy with its rather beautiful halo. The rest of the night was spent wondering how the future would unfold to the only autonomous body of the Ministry of Magic whilst also adversely affecting the whole realm of Magic and non-magic alike. . .

I'm so sorry for the late update! I was not satisfied with the banner so I re-made it. Hopefully it's good now.

I just realized that I had written the blurb from Harry's PoV. This book is supposed to be from Ginny's PoV so I'll change it soon!

I've been trying gif manips but if I enter a file in photopea, the gif turns into a photo! Can any one help me with it?

Your thoughts on the chapter? Comment!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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