─Chapter Seventeen

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Seventeen: Her Burdening Troubles

"What is this Dragonfly?!" Silverflight exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

"We had no idea we were being watched. . ."

"Being the leader of the duo, you must always be attentive! I never expected you to be this careless, young lady!"

"I am sorry ma'am. . ."

The newspaper showing hers and Shade's photo as well as names had been spotted by the Head Unspeakable and the result was not what Dragonfly wanted. Unspeakables were generally supposed to not be known or seen by the public and she had violated the very rule. Not only that but also she had called Shade to the place which led to the revelation. He could not be blamed.

"You are the leader because I saw more potential in you! Shade will make a fine leader, yes but he is still learning.

"And next time I get to know about violation of such important acts do not think I will be so lenient. I will be removing you from the job and every memory of yours containing your time as Dragonfly will be erased. Consider it as a final warning," Silverflight warned. Dragonfly's head hung even low so the Head placed an hand on her shoulder then spoke in a much softer voice. "I know that you are new and that you can't be perfect but think of it this way. If Confusion gets to know that two Unspeakable are looking for him or her, he or she'll be much discreet and it will be harder to find him or her, let alone capture him or her.

"Be thankful it was not Blackburn in my place. He would have expelled you the moment this news would reach his ears. I'll take care of him so do not fret over it, young lady."

Dragonfly nodded slowly, her eyes still downcast.

"Confusion and his partner should not learn this secret, the order from the Head of Aurors as well as the Head of DMLE. Unspeakables never let anyone down. Even if we are NGOs, we work for the welfare of the people and to unveil the darkest secrets of this earth we tread. As an Unspeakable, you must hold pride of where you stand, Dragonfly, and must give your all to this job because not everyone can become an Unspeakable especially at an age as young as yours. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Off you go, Tip Pip."

The words triggered something and she found herself in her bed, detransformed and with unshed tears in her eyes.

The words of Silverflight and Harry came back to haunt her mind. Silverflight's face which held disappointed eyes wound her the most. Not being able to take it anymore, she punched her pillow and broke down in a mess of tears.

"Ginny?" In her sorrow, she regretted forgetting to place a silencing charm around her bed. "Ginny?" It was Hermione and Ginny could make out her shadowy silhouette standing outside the closed curtains of her four poster. When she made no move to reply – because of not trusting her own voice – Hermione spoke again. "Ginny! I'm coming in."

Before Ginny could do anything, the curtains were opened slowly and Hermione's face could be seen in a blur. The older witch gasped before Ginny was pulled into a tight and warm hug.

"Ginny, what happened?" Hermione asked, gently rubbing Ginny's back comfortingly as she sobbed. When Ginny did not reply, she fell silent and waited for her to calm down.

After a while of sobbing, the redhead broke the hug and wiped her tears. Faking a smile, she tried to gently and politely send Hermione away. However, the bushy haired witch was not going to take it: she was smart enough to look past Ginny's defenses. Giving her an unsure smile and having no other alternative to escape the situation, Ginny spilled the beans.

"Harry. . . He has this look in his eyes which clearly tell that he. . . h-he likes someone. . ."

"Oh, Ginny. But it can mean you too, you know that right?" Hermione asked in a soft tone.

Ginny shook her head. "No. If it had been me, he wouldn't have told that in – in front of me. . ."

Hermione looked thoughtful for a long time before hitting her head and exclaiming incoherent words to herself. Ginny looked at her, confusion evident in her eyes so the bushy haired witch explained, "Ginny, I have an idea for that. . ." she paused, looking unsure before continuing, "but I feel that you are hiding something else. . . I can see that in your unsure eyes," Hermione said gently.

Ginny burst into tears again, something which she did really rarely. Silverflight's words really hurt and being Dragonfly was not the easiest task, especially when you have no one to confide in about the difficulties. That's when she made the decision.

"Hermione, this is so hard! Everything is really hard that I don't know how you do it! NEWTs, Quidditch Captainship, teenage issues and. . . the world itself! Why does everything have to be so tough on me?" she blurted out.

"Ginny, if it's the NEWTs that's bothering you, why didn't you tell me? I'll surely help you, at all costs. As for Quidditch, I know I usually won't be telling this but think of it as a welcome distraction to the homeworks and the workload of studying. You've played Quidditch ever since you remember. It should not be a burden to carry in that case. We'll take care of the Harry problem and if he doesn't notice you, it does not matter. There are many fishes out in the sea who deserve you better than him," Hermione comforted. "But I am afraid I don't understand what you mean by the world itself.

"It means. . . Promise me you won't tell this to anyone. Not even my brother."

"I swear," Hermione promised. Ginny nodded and took a long breath.

"Hermione. . . I am Dragonfly. . ."

The bushy haired witch gasped and Ginny hung her head. The energy of true friendship enveloped them as the older witch embraced Ginny, giving all of the comfort and love that she could offer.

Ah, finally the reveal to one person. What do you think of it? Was Ginny right in confiding her secret to Hermione? Comment!

I had troubles with this chapter and the last lol. That's why it's a bit short. My apologies for the same! From the next chapter, the length will be back to normal.

Well and in overall, what do you think of this chapter? Comment!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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