Chapter 3 - DECEMBER || Part 1

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 Tommy finally climbed out of the trapdoor on the Community House floor with an armful of dulled swords, armour pieces, and other things that he couldn't quite name. With more material than he could comfortably carry, he and Tubbo could make enough tools for 100 wars.

Tommy hoped that wouldn't be the case.

He emerged from the ground and dropped everything he'd found in front of him.

"Wilbur!" Tommy exclaimed through heavy breaths. "You were right! Look at what-" Tommy stopped as he looked up to see a stranger; a man with horns that stood straight with his hands behind his back. Wilbur and this new devil man were staring at him with stone-cold expressions.

"Tommy," Wilbur started. "Let me introduce you to our newest member of the village." Wilbur gestured to the stranger. Tommy hopped out of the hole and walked to Wilbur's side, not taking his eyes off the stranger for a single second. The horned man stretched his arm out in greeting.

"Schlatt. Nice to meet you, Tommy," He said with a toothy grin. Tommy looked at Schlatt's hand, then at Wilbur.

"Can I talk to you, Wilbur?" Tommy said sternly. Wilbur smiled.

"Of course. What can I do for you?"

"Alone." A silence fell as Wilbur thought about Tommy's request. Tommy looked at Schlatt and Wilbur's gaze followed. The horned man put his hands up in defence and chuckled.

"I can tell when I'm not wanted," He said, taking a step back. "I'll be outside if you need me." Schlatt turned and went out the door. They both watched as his figure left the frame.

"I don't like him," Tommy said. Wilbur turned in surprise.

"What? Why not?" He asked. "He seems like the exact type of person you'd get along with."

"Oh, so now you're making assumptions about me?"

"No, that's not-" Wilbur paused to think. Tommy was in one of those difficult moods. Wilbur had to choose his words carefully. "Tommy, why don't you like him?"

"It's not that easy to explain, man! I just..." Tommy trailed off, thinking about his next words. Wilbur stared intently. "His eyes. They weren't right. And who the fuck has horns!? It's weird!"

"Tubbo has horns, doesn't he?" Wilbur replied.

"Well yeah, but his are small! Barely nubs! But his are..."

"I understand your worry, Tommy," Wilbur said. "But I looked into his mind. He has no ill intent. He actually wants to help us." Tommy turned to face Wilbur.

"What if you saw wrong?"

"That's not possible."

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm never wrong."

Tommy looked at the door Schlatt left through for a moment.

"I still don't trust him."

"And that's ok. In the end, I make the final call anyway."

"But I still have some position of power, don't I? My say should mean something."

"My right-hand man, I remember. That doesn't change that fact."

"Wilbur, please! He's bad news, he can't stay here!" Tommy tried to grab Wilbur's sleeve, but he jerked his hand away before Tommy could get a firm grasp. Wilbur glared at him, and he couldn't help but feel helpless. Tommy's defeat soon turned to resentment. His hand curled into a fist and without another word, he grabbed what he had found from the floor and left.

Wilbur couldn't help but feel some deja vu.

Wilbur sighed and put a hand up to his face. Schlatt looked in cautiously.

"I really hope you're wrong, Tommy," Wilbur said under his breath. He immediately looked up at the sound of growing footsteps. Schlatt had re-entered the room with his hands in his pockets and a look of sympathy on his face. The two simply looked at each other for a short amount of time.

"I never had a brother or sister," Schlatt said. "But I did have a son at some point. I never saw him past the age of 5, but regardless... I can understand the struggle." Wilbur sighed.

"Thank you," Wilbur said, a stressed smile on his face. "Glad to know I'm doing the right thing."

"Oh, I never said that!" Schlatt said with a grin. Wilbur was confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Are you saying he's right?"

"About me being the bad guy? No." Schlatt said plainly. "But he has a point. You're in the middle of a war and you decide to let not just a stranger in, but a stranger that seemingly has no proof of being unaligned with the enemy. Also, a stranger that doesn't seem to have an... 'ability', as you call it. "

"I'd just assumed you didn't want to use it so early on in our interaction," Wilbur said.

"Which you'd be right," Schlatt says. "So much to the point you have no idea I've been using it this whole time." Wilbur paused.

This whole time? Wilbur thought. His ability must be super discreet if that's true.

"Then what's your ability?" Wilbur asked.

"Oh, so you're the type for spoilers?" Schlatt laughed. "Don't worry. You'll find out in the next few chapters."


"Nevertheless!" Schlatt exclaimed, interrupting Wilbur. "I can guarantee you that I'm the one you'll need if you want yourself and everyone else here to survive this war." He turned towards the door and started walking out. "If you ever need me, just shout my name. I'll be around." Schlatt turned the corner and was out of sight.

"Wait!" Wilbur shouted and ran after him. "Where will you-" Wilbur stepped outside and he was gone. Schlatt was nowhere to be seen. Wilbur looked at the ground to look for footsteps, but all he saw were his own and Tommy's. Even footprints that should've appeared when he and Tommy were talking, the snow was clear. It was as if he just... disappeared. Wilbur brushed it off almost immediately. There were more important tasks that required his attention. Wilbur went back inside and continued working.

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