Chapter 2 - NOVEMBER || Part 1

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TRIGGER WARNING: Depression, suicidal implications and possible eating disorder

There were many differences between Wilbur and Dream.

For one, Wilbur's village only had one leader that looked over every little detail, but Dream's city had a leader for various things such as military, rations, and others. So because everyone had the title of leader, Dream himself had the title of... Dream.

In the city, whoever was Dream (the name of the leader position) left behind their name from birth and would further be referred to as Dream, either until death or the possible event that the title is evoked. The reason for this was because the god they worshipped had a similar name and it was an act of praise, sort of to say that no matter who was giving the orders, the ultimate ruler was their god.

Meanwhile, the village didn't believe in any kind of god or deity figure. They solely depended on themselves to survive, and that was something Dream's people would never understand.

Except for one.

Ranboo teleported back to the city he called home after the conversation he had with someone from the village. Toby, if Ranboo remembered correctly. He hoped he did. Ranboo had a reputation for forgetting things very easily, and that was one of the reasons Dream never made him in charge of anything. Ranboo was fine with that, he understood Dream's reasoning.

Yet even in no position of power, Ranboo needed to talk to Dream like he was. He made his way to Dream's house which was also used as a gathering place of sorts. It was the tallest building in the city, so it was easy to set apart from the rest. Ranboo stepped through the thin layer of snow on the ground until he got to the door. He knocked.

"Dream?" Ranboo said through the door. "It's Ranboo." Nobody answered. He knocked again. "Sir, I met someone while I was in the forest." About 5 seconds passed.

"Come in," A smooth voice came from the other side of the door and Ranboo walked in, silently closing the door behind him.

Dream stood where he normally did; at the head of the long table inside. Maps of the area, specifically the village, were scattered about, each one with different coloured marks of ink. Beside Dream on the side of the table was the newcomer. Ranboo couldn't remember his name, but it started with G. Ever since he came, Dream and he had been inseparable. It was weird, but Ranboo didn't think about it much more than that.

"Who did you see?" Dream asked.

"Someone from the village," Ranboo replied. "He had brown hair, probably the same age as me, and-"

"No," Dream cut him off. "What was his name?"

"Oh," Ranboo became embarrassed. It was obvious that's what he should've said first instead of a full description. "Toby." The man beside Dream looked up.

"Toby?" He asked. Ranboo nodded. Dream looked at him.

"Do you know who that is, George?" Right, his name is George. Ranboo thought. George nodded.

"Yes, but everyone calls him Tubbo. Only people he feels especially close with call him Toby. I don't even think his best friend calls him that." George looked at Ranboo. "He told you to call him Toby?"

"Yeah," Ranboo confirmed. "But he didn't really-"

"What did you say to him?" Dream now stared directly at Ranboo.

"Uh," Ranboo was in slight paralysis by Dream's gaze. "Nothing much, I just told him I was from here and-"

"Ranboo," Dream walked towards Ranboo. The few seconds of silence as he made his way felt like years. "Did you tell him our plan?" It was a question, but his voice was monotone the whole way through.

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