I laugh slightly and look at Henderson with a death glare. "Where the hell is this mystery guy?" I whisper yell over to Dustin.

"He's coming he must just be late. Maybe traffic or something"

    "More like second guessing hanging out with the D&D losers, Dustin! Are you sure we can trust this person? Is they as good as you say they are?"

    "Yeah! I promise!" Dustin's face suddenly changing. "He's never let me down before. He'll come." Dustin brought his attention to the door.

As if on cue to his look, there was sound of Dustin's creaky basement door opening followed by trudging down the stairs as we saw the face to the mystery.

"Steve?" Mike's brows furrowed before looking over at Dustin with confusion "you brought Steve?"

"Yeah it's me don't cream your pants" Steve sighed before making his way to the bottom of the steps. "Sorry to disappoint"

Dustin smiled before running up to him. "thank you so much for coming! I was starting to worry that you weren't going to come! I hear tonight we are gonna need all the help we can get"

"Wait a minute" Gareth cuts in "we're just gonna let some newby join our party?"

Shortly after there was murmurs of agreement from everyone in the group.

"Yeah... I mean no offense Steve but you're not the type of guy who would exactly play D&D with guys like us." Mike says pointing to the group around him.

Shocked that not everyone would want his invited guest, Dustin freezes on the spot.

Great. I told him to come prepared. Guess I'll have to cover for him...like always. Test...I should say failed but he brought someone...so half failed.

"I mean why not" I say stepping close to Harrington "he's got a cute face and we all start somewhere...right?"

I lightly punch him in the shoulder as everyone laughs besides Steve. I see his face get red. God... already angering the guests... my bad Henderson.

     "You brought dice right, Harrington?" I say while looking him up and down before taking a seat at the head of the table and crossing my legs.

   Henderson squeezed between us "I brought a spare for him."

   Harrington awkwardly nodding and pointing over to Dustin who was opening his bag up for Steve to chose the dice set that he wanted. Steve had chosen arguably the nicest dice in the bag. I couldn't help but let out a smile.

"Okay...Let's get started, shall we?"

-A small time jump-
"Damn first roll and a Nat 1..." I let out a sigh before looking up at Harrington.

Everyone stared at Harrington trying not to laugh. The poor man didn't know what he was doing. At least he had Henderson next to him to guide him.

As much as I wanted the group to support a new person to the game, they couldn't help but be judgmental. Steve was a popular guy with a bunch of losers playing D&D in a basement. It didn't add up...and it was honestly laughable.

Steve looked over at his friend with wide eyes "I take it that's bad?" You could tell that some hope was in his eyes.

Henderson nodded slowly while frowning "tragically bad...like you could lose everything that you've worked for...I guess you haven't worked for anything, since first roll, but...still."

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