One Hour Later

Chanyeol's feet hit the ground and he heard a light snore. Baekhyun had fallen asleep, he fell asleep about 5 minutes into their flight.

"Baekhyun, hey Baekhyun wake up" Chanyeol spoke softly tapping on Baekhyun's leg

He didn't flinch but as Chanyeol went to speak again the sound of thousands of howls filled the air. Baekhyun jumped awake falling off Chanyeol's back. Chanyeol instantly turned around helping the boy up.

"Who are you" a deep voice spoke loudly

Baekhyun looked around immediately pulling out both swords. Wolves were circling them some just waiting to pounce. Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's wrist trying to get him to put them back.

"I come to speak to your Alpha, I need to make an arrangement" Chanyeol spoke up

"We don't make arrangements with blood suckers"

"I knew Theron"

The wolf who was speaking to him immediately shifted back into human his face showing nothing but kindness.

"I'm Roan A friend of him is a friend of our pack"

"I was his best friend." Chanyeol spoke up a small bit of truth in his sentence

"We'll then sir follow me"

Baekhyun sheathed his swords as Chanyeol began to walk. He followed staying close to him as to not get hurt. They entered a large brown building Baekhyun almost crying at the sight of his parents. They were tied to two posts both beated and bloody.

"Who have you brought me?" A large man standing in complete darkness spoke

"He says he knew Theron" Roan spoke up

The man stepped into the light chuckling at the sight of Baekhyun.

"What are you laughing at?" Chanyeol glared

"I bet neither of you even knew him. He is only here for his parents." The man chuckled starting to walk up to Baekhyun

Chanyeol stopped him before he could touch Baekhyun. His hand on the man's throat lifting him higher than anyone thought he could. The man was three times his size and now he seemed horrified of Chanyeol.

"You dare to touch him I crush your throat. You look at him wrong I snap you in two. Now listen to me" Chanyeol's red eyes dug into the man's soul

He set the man down and he immediately apologized to Baekhyun.

"Let those two go!" The man screamed

"But sir"

"Do it now! I didn't realize who we were dealing with" He grumbled

They immediately released Baekhyun's parents. Baekhyun raced to them hugging them tightly.

"We have to get you to Yixing! He will help you guys" Baekhyun cried holding them tightly

"W-Who is that?" His mother questioned shakily

"That's him. The one i was sent to meet" Baekhyun smiled looking back at Chanyeol

"You ever touch his family again I will kill this entire clan. Your great grandfather would be disappointed in you. I swear if you ever look at that boy the wrong way again you will never knew what came after you" Chanyeol spoke coldly

"Yes sir, I am Theo...My grandfather always spoke of Theron so highly but we never knew you were his close friend" The man spoke bowing

"Well what you didn't know is he was my step brother. Our parents married when we were 15. I hope you understand that would make me your king" Chanyeol spoke eyeing the man in front of him

"I don't care if you were step brothers that doesn't make you our king" Theo spoke his tone changing as he looked to Roan

"I don't give two fucks what you think. I could run this pack down in one hour. Do not test me." Chanyeol growled walking to Baekhyun

As he turned around to help Baekhyun and his parents, he heard a loud growl. Before he could turn back around three wolves were attacking him. Baekhyun yelled out pulling out the sword he got from Chanyeol.

Chanyeol tossed one wolf into a wall the only sound that was heard was a loud crunch. His back broke and he laid on the floor his body limp. Chanyeol gripped the next by the throat becoming angrier when the wolf made him bleed. He clenched his fist around the wolf's throat and he fell limp in Chanyeol's hand. Baekhyun tried to go for the last one and got tackled by Theo. Chanyeol heard Baekhyun cry out in pain as the smell of blood filled his nose. He immediately threw the last wolf off of him the wolf rolling on the floor. He ran for Theo who was biting Baekhyun's throat. He would kill him if he didn't stop.

"Let go" Chanyeol warned his hands wrapping around Theo's throat

Theo bit harder Baekhyun crying out in pain. Chanyeol's eyes became redder than before as he saw the blood pouring off Baekhyun's neck. He bit down roughly on Theo's neck the wolf letting go of Baekhyun. Chanyeol didn't stop as the wolf became limp thanks to blood loss. It was his first taste of real blood in a long time. The moment his ears picked up on Baekhyun's slow breathing and let the now dead Theo go. He tossed Theo to the side his hands covering Baekhyun's wounds. Baekhyun's parents crawled over his mother beginning to cry.

"Baekhyun hang in there" Chanyeol spoke his tone becoming shaky

Chanyeol thought of all of his options, noticing the tears starting to stream down Baekhyun's cheeks.

"I need your permission for something" Chanyeol spoke seriously as he looked to Baekhyun's parents


"The only possible way he survives is to drink my blood..I need to do this quickly and there may be consequences but I need your okay" Chanyeol spoke his teeth showing

"Do it" Baekhyun's father spoke quickly

Chanyeol nodded biting into his own wrist. Blood dripped down his wrist as he opened Baekhyun's mouth. He let the blood drip into the boys mouth.

"Baekhyun, If you can still hear me I need you to swallow" Chanyeol whispered as he leaned in to speak to Baekhyun

Baekhyun's breathing stopped and his parents began to cry. Chanyeol sat leaning over Baekhyun he felt fear for the first time in a long time.



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