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The red-headed male walked down to his front doors his cold dead heart pounding for the first time in his undead life. He stood there waiting for a knock. As he reached for the handle he heard a loud knock hit the front door. He opened it and as soon as he did a small brunette male came into view. He had the most beautiful brown eyes and was short. The male was mesmerizing.

"Excuse me but I need to speak with the king" The boy spoke

"That Uh would be me, please come in out of the rain" The redhead was flabbergasted at this boys beauty

The boy walked inside looking around at the black and red interior of the main hall in the castle. He took off his cape and threw it over his shoulder as he turned to look the redheaded man in the eyes.

"My name is Park Chanyeol, I am the king of Tyrea. I welcome you with open arms"

"Hello sir, my name is Byun Baekhyun I am the second prince of Valeria. My father sent me to speak with you"

"Speak we shall, but first why don't we go take a seat I can have something brought to you" Chanyeol smiled slightly

"Follow me"

The two began to walk Baekhyun looking around in a bit of confusion. He hadn't seen a single soldier or guard anywhere, He didn't say anything though he didn't want to offend the king. They reached two large chestnut-colored doors and Chanyeol pushed them open to reveal a magnificent red room. It would hold well over a hundred people. Baekhyun was in awe at the beautiful red satin couches and beautiful silver wall sconces all over the walls the candles in them burning brightly. Chanyeol led him to a couch and They both took a seat. Baekhyun sat nervously as he stared straight at the tall man in front of him.

"What would you like to eat?" Chanyeol asked

"Do you have some fruit?"

"I have peaches and plums, they're our specialty they grow in my garden out back" Chanyeol smiled

"They're my favorite!" Baekhyun spoke excitedly

Chanyeol stood up walking out of the room. As soon as he left the room Baekhyun let out a sigh of relief as the door shut. He sat there his palms sweaty, taking deep breaths. Chanyeol made him incredibly nervous and he didn't know why. He saw the man and immediately felt his body heat rising. He felt something odd that he'd never felt before. He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt trying to release the heat. Chanyeol walked back into the room as Baekhyun did so.

"It's a little hot in here" Baekhyun spoke nervously

"I brought your fruit, now what would you like to talk about?" Chanyeol asked clearing his throat

"My father said our kingdom was your ally we were hoping to know if you would be okay with helping in any circumstance to come. Like a possible war would you be willing to send an army?" Baekhyun asked trying to ignore his body heat

"I have no army" Chanyeol's tone was awkward

"What?" Baekhyun asked shocked

"I am my army. I run all of this kingdom myself" Chanyeol smiled

"Excuse me? What do you mean?"

"Why don't I explain in the morning? Please let me show you around"

"No please I need to know now" Baekhyun spoke quickly grabbing the crystal ball out of his satchel

"I have the strength of a thousand men, I can fly, I will drain you if necessary, and I could crush a skull with my bare hands" Chanyeol smiled nervously

That's when Baekhyun noticed the man's fangs. He had seen his teeth but not looking enough to notice his fangs. Baekhyun's heart stopped. Everything about Chanyeol was making much more sense now. His pale complexion, His blood red eyes, his presence.

"You...You're a vampire!?" Baekhyun asked shocked

"I hope you're not scared, I swear I would never hurt you! I'm not a bad person...I only feed off animals. I raise some cows and sheep for feeding nothing like humans I swear" Chanyeol started talking trying to make sure Baekhyun wasn't scared of him.

"I've only ever met one of your kind before...She was a lunatic and she tried killing my brother" Baekhyun spoke worriedly

"What did she look like?"

"Black hair, red eyes, slender and looked about 20"

"She is the one who turned me into what I am, I thought I loved her and she loved me. But I was just a living blood bag to her. She fed me her blood making me believe we'd be together until the end...Then she tried to kill me" Chanyeol explained

"How long ago was this?" Baekhyun asked

"Over 100 years ago, I was 33 years old when this all happened"

"I need to speak with my father" Baekhyun spoke activating the crystal.

Chanyeol watched intriguingly as Baekhyun contacted his father. But an older man did not show up, Baekhyun's older sister did.

"Yoona? Where are mom and dad?" Baekhyun asked confused

"We have a serious problem...The wolves attacked while Sehun and I were helping in the prison. Mom left traces leading towards their new den but we can't do it alone" Yoona explained

(Hello sorry guys I've been cleaning all day i hope you like it and i'd love your opinions on this book so far! Chanyeol and Baekhyun are gonna help with the situation!)

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