School Life

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Chapter 2

The next day, I woke up and got ready for school. Which was a odd experience. I'm actually going to a mandatory anime like school. I'm not goona lie I was kinda excited.

I had a few protein bars and chili for breakfast as I shoved my laptop into my bag, i made sure to pack a few more bars for later, and I headed out the door in my school uniform which had holes for my quills as I opened the door I found a package at my door step.

I kneeld down to the package as I checked to box as I saw my name on it, it had Ranmas name on it I shrugged as I opened the box to find shoes.

They were a little to wide but other than that they were perfect. I immediately slipped them on my feet as I tossed the box in the house.

I was going to make sure I thank Ranma for this, I ran out the apartment complex as I took a route Ranma had given me, I jogged my way there as i ignored the looks and stares of people, including the awes the girls were giving me as I booked it to the school.

I crossed over some bridges, ran past a massive amount of buildings, went through an alleyway or two.

I was 2 miles away from school so running to school awhile restraining myself would be a good way to improve on my Parkour skills because apparently, since I'm sonic I have a lot of energy to run on I know its a crime a to use your quirk in public but can a skill be considered a quirk and technically sonics speed isn't a quirk.

I got to the school in a few minutes of running and a little parkour. I walked towards my new short cut as I found the school and entered. I could see the students eying me as I walked in the door.

???: So CUTE!!

One of the students said as I slightly blushed.

They were... so much bigger than me. I kinda felt a little shy but I knew at the end of the day these guys couldn't do much anyway and plus I could probably kick there asses if they tried to punk me depending on there quirks of course, I'm a high school student in the body of sonic the hedgehog and were all technically kids here. I slowed down as I approached my destination, as I looked them over.

It was interesting looking at the people here in this world they were so colorful and cooler looking, than normal people. This is to be expected I'm in a anime after all. A few of them had mutation quirks after all, but a few also had hair of varying colors, from natural blonde to bright red. One kid even had a insect like appearance.

I kept walking intil I found the office to the school.

I headed through the doors, rushing into the office, where a beleaguered lady already dealing with a bunch of troublesome students clearly getting on her nerves. She walked me through the motions as I did my best with my now fluent Japanese. I went to a shoe locker as the woman handed me key as she left. I replaced my new shoes with some indoor ones as I headed to class. Soon enough, I was standing in a class infront of bunch of surprised teens at my appearance. I stared at them confused intil the teacher asked me to introduce myself.

I looked them over again as the Teacher, a guy who had purple skin with hands and thumbs as spatulas, waved for me to speak.

Sonic Mind: Godamn quirks are weird?

I said to myself as I spoke In Japanese.

Sonic: Hello my name is Sonic the Hedgehog nice to meet all of you.

I said perfectly thank God I'm a fast learner now I can speak it normally and understand it. It's just only the thing I'm terrible at is kanji.

And I didn't want to reveal sonics real name since it sounded boring as hell.

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