Chapter 37

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"Hey Princess."

Bailey looked up from the drawing she was working on, "Hey Vic."

"Do you want to put these on?" He asked holding out her headphones. "Corey and Brandon are about to play some video game online and you know how those two can get sometimes. I'm also going to be practicing and Gabe is sewing away on his latest fashion thing. Do you want to go to a different room? The art studio besides?"

"Thanks," She smiled at him appreciatively as she took the headphones. "But I'm okay right now, I don't want to be away from everyone. I think these will be fine."

"You doing okay, Doll?" Axel asked as he sat across from her and put her feet in his lap. "With Dr. Reid being gone and all?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I am used to it by now. I miss him but I'm proud of him too. He's doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing."

"Okay," He nodded and she slipped her headphones on while he took her phone and set up her music.

She started humming along to her music while she went back to drawing. "We good?" Corey asked as he came into the room and Axel nodded. "Alright," Corey nodded as he and Brandon headed over to the gaming station and grabbed their controllers.

A few hours later Bailey sat her colored pencils down and Axel looked up from the book he was reading, "Taking a break, Doll?" he asked when she removed her headphones.

"I think I'm hungry," she nodded.

"I'll get you something, Baby," North said as he came into the room. "Just let me wash my hands first, get this stuff off," he held up his hands for her to see the black stuff coating his hands.

"Okay," She nodded and stretched, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Sean walked into the house, "Oh hey Pookie," he smiled softly seeing her, "I picked up your new medicines on my way home. We can start them tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," she nodded then headed towards the bathroom.

"She doing okay?" Sean asked once the door shut.

"Seems to be," Axel nodded. "She's been in here all morning drawing with her headphones on and she just told North she wanted something to eat."

"Good," Sean sighed as he sat down exhaustedly. "That's good."

"Doc?" She asked as she came back into the room.

"Yeah, Pookie?" He asked opening his eyes and looking at her.

"Nap with me after I eat?" she asked rubbing her eyes. "I'm getting sleepy."

"That sounds perfect, Pookie," he smiled at her as she sat next to him.

"Here you two," North said holding out plates, "eat."

"Thanks North," Sean smiled as he took both plates.

After they ate Marc took the plates and Sean held her hand as he led her to his room. "Here Pookie," He said as he held out a large purple tee for her to change into. She headed to the bathroom to change and when she came out he was already in bed. She crawled in and rested her head on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair and smiled softly as she slowly drifted off to sleep with her arm wrapped around him.


Sean woke up groggily.


"Pookie, wake up," Sean mumbled as he held Bailey closer to him. "It's just a nightmare."

"No," She whimpered.

"Pookie, wake up," Sean whispered as he pushed her hair out of her face. "It's just a nightmare, it's not real. Come on, Bailey, time to wake up."

"No, never, no."

"Oh Pookie," Sean sighed as she cried and pushed against him. "It's Sean, Bailey, wake up, Pookie."

She gasped as she sat up and he pulled her into his arms, "Sean," She whispered into his neck as tears streamed down her face.

"I'm here, Pookie, I'm here," he whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair, "you're safe."

She pulled back and looked into his eyes as she sniffled. "Sean," she pouted and he smiled softly.

"You're safe, Pookie," he whispered as he wiped the tears away. "We have you." He slowly leaned forward and kissed her softly. She gasped as he pulled her closer to him. "Tell me to stop if you want me to," he whispered as he kissed her again. She tentatively wrapped her arms around his neck and he smiled as he went gently cupped her face. He growled softly in her ear, "Good girl."

"Sean," she whispered as he moved away from her mouth and down her neck. "Oh..."

"Can I, Bailey?" He asked softly as he licked her neck and gently bit, "Please? Can I replace the bad and show you how you are supposed to be loved?"

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