Chapter 33

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"And now where do you think it is?" Spencer asked as he removed his hands from the upside down cups. Bailey giggled and tapped the middle one. Spencer lifted the cup and there was the glittery bouncy ball. "Good job!"

"Yay!" She clapped excitedly while Spencer smiled. "Again again!" Max barked making her burst out laughing as he laid his head in her lap and she began stroking his fur. He had been glued to her side all day and she loved it.

Spencer chuckled and started mixing them up again. The team watched in amusement and then the timer on the oven dinged.

"Come on, time to get washed up so we can eat lunch, Bailey," Spencer said and she nodded then held out her hands.

"I'll pick this up," Luke said as Spencer picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

Bailey looked up from washing her hands and giggled at the bubbles her hands were making. She blew and gasped as it formed a huge bubble. Spencer laughed and showed her how to properly make them.

"Alright you two, come on, time to eat," Lilly smiled as she stood in the doorway. "We're having hot dogs and French fries. I already cut yours up, Bailey."

"Taint too," she smiled.

Spencer's phone rang and he groaned. "Come on, Bailey," Lilly said as she held Bailey's hands. "I'll help you while he takes his phone call."

Lilly helped Bailey to her chair, "go ahead and start, Dr. Reid had to take a phone call."

A few minutes later Spencer entered the room. "Bailey, come talk with me, please?" Spencer asked softly as he came to her side.

Bailey looked up at him and her back went rigid, "Spencer," she whispered dropping the fork she was holding. She looked around and gasped, "oh my god." She shoved her chair back and raced to her room with Spencer right behind her.

"Safe to say she is no longer little," Brandon said as he popped a fry into his mouth.

"No shit, Sherlock," Gabe rolled his eyes.

A few minutes later they looked up as steps came down the stairs. They looked up to see Spencer holding Bailey's hand and she was now dressed back in her fishnet stockings, combat boots, black shorts, and a Korn shirt.

"Remember what I said, Bailey," Spencer said as he pushed her hair behind her ear. "It is okay and will be okay. The hardest part of life is living in it. Each day is a gift, that's why it's called the present." She nodded and hugged him tightly. "I know every day is hard, Bailey, but it is worth it. As Hellen Keller said, 'The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.'"

"Will you come back soon?" She murmured and he nodded.

"As soon as I can," he promised. "Now here." He opened his bag and pulled out a book then handed it to her. She smiled and he chuckled then kissed her cheek and left. She hugged the book then raced back to her room.

"Leave her be for a bit," Lilly said as she turned back to her plate. Lilly headed up to her room and found Bailey fast asleep clutching the elephant Spencer had given her. She spotted the open book and gently picked it up. Smiling at the title and personal note inside, she shut the book and placed it on the nightstand then left.

"How is she?" North asked concerned.

"Sleeping," Lilly smiled. "Let her sleep." She turned to Kota, "she may want you to read to her later. He gave her Bram Stoker's Dracula and even left her a note."

"He did?" Kota asked and Lilly chuckled.

"Morticia Addams: Hearts are wild creatures, that's why our ribs are cages."

North chuckled, "Oddly fitting."

"Do you think she will slip back today?" Victor asked and Lilly shrugged.

"Honestly, I don't know," she admitted. "She seemed embarrassed about it so I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to suppress it as much as possible. It was unintentional when she slipped after all. Dr. Reid was most likely right that she had no control over slipping when everything became too much for her. She slipped back when he had to leave. There is no telling how she will be feeling when she wakes but the most important thing now is to make sure she knows that you accept her, all of her, and that she has no reason to be embarrassed about being a little."

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