Chapter 13

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"Morning Trouble," Gabe said as he entered her room a week later. "Breakfast is ready."

"No," She pouted as she groaned and rolled over to her stomach then pressed her head into the pillow.

"Hey now," He frowned as he walked over to the bed. "What's up Grumpy Gills?"

"Nothing," She groaned into the pillow. "Just want to sleep more."

"Alright Trouble," he nodded as he covered her back then left the room.

She closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep. She felt herself being moved and she slowly opened her eyes to see Sean holding her wrist. "Dr. Sean," She mumbled feeling exhausted. "Wanna sleep."

"Other than that, how are you feeling?" He asked calmly as he watched his watch.

"Don't know," She sighed. "Just wanna stay in bed."

"Okay," He nodded, "How about a compromise?" She looked at him as he stuck a thermometer in her mouth. "How about a nice relaxing bath and we can change your bedding while you are in the bath? Then we can see how you are feeling afterwards. If you still want to sleep some more, at least it will be in nice clean sheets and blanket." She nodded and he smiled softly. "Alright, I'll have Gabe start you a bath. North is making you lunch and you can eat in the bath since you slept through breakfast."

"Okay," She said as he removed the thermometer.

"No fever, so you aren't coming down with anything," He smiled. "I think it's just a rest day for you."

"Okay," She said as watch Gabe come into the room and head to the bathroom.

"Alright Trouble," He said coming over to her. He pushed the blankets back and picked her up. "Your spa is ready for you."

"You spoil me," She pouted see the bath bombs fizzing in the warm water and her favorite music already playing through Alexa.

"Yeah so?" he asked setting her down. "Enjoy it, Trouble."

He left the bathroom and she shook her head then started undressing. Stepping into the warm water she sighed in happiness as her muscles started to relax. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed it.

Some time later there was a knock on the door, "You didn't fall asleep in there did you Pookie?" Sean's voice came through.

"Maybe," She admitted.

"That's not safe Bailey," He frowned. "If you are still tired you need to get out."

"Okay," She said sighing, "The water is getting cold anyway."

She drained the water and dried off. After getting dressed she emerged and held the brush out to Gabe, knowing better than to deal with her tangles on her own. Besides, she didn't think she had the energy to deal with it anyway. "Feel better?" Sean asked and she shrugged.

"Why am I so tired anyway?" She asked. "I was fine yesterday."

"I'm trying to figure it out," He admitted. "We haven't made any changes to your medicine and you aren't running a fever so I don't know at this moment but I looking into everything I can think of."

"Maybe I'm just having an off day," She shrugged as she watched Gabe work on her hair as she sat at the vanity.

"Maybe," Sean nodded, "It is a possibility."

"No more baths when you are like this," North said walking into the room. "I don't want you falling asleep in the tub again."

"Okay," She agreed knowing better than to argue. He looked at her a little shocked, as if he was expecting her to protest. "I meant what I said North Star, I'm not ready to leave you again. I don't want to be in the coldness all alone again. I'm trying."

"And I'm proud of you for it," He smiled as he sat the tray down.

"Are you ready to get back in bed?" Sean asked as Gabe braided her hair.

"No," She shook her head, "I'm tired but I don't want to stay in bed all day."

"How about a movie marathon in the media room?" Corey asked coming into the room.

"How about a picnic outside for lunch then maybe movie marathon?" Axel suggested. "The vitamin D will do all of us some good."

"That sounds good," She nodded.

"I got Kitten," Raven smiled picking her up and started carrying her outside.

"Wait, my food!" She laughed.

"I got it," North called.

Raven carried her out to the gardens and sat her on a bench by the fountain. A few minutes later everyone joined her and they had lunch. She smiled as she watched everyone interact together casually. She had to admit she missed this peacefulness when she was battling the darkness in her. She didn't realize just how much she needed this and now she was glad she could truly appreciate it.

"Movie marathon Sweetie? You are starting to get red" Corey asked and she nodded. "What do you want to watch?"

"Avengers series?" She suggested. "I kind of want to watch Hulk toss Loki around again."

Sounds good to me," The guys nodded as they started picking everything up.

She watched them, yeah she could get use to this.

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