Chapter 20

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"Seriously Corey, I'm fine to go pee by myself," She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "It's been three months and I'm on the right dosage now. I am fine to go to the bathroom by myself."

"Sorry Sweetie," Corey shrugged, "but until Doc tells me himself, I have to stay with you. Remember it's a rule he implemented. I have to do as he wishes. It's for your own good, you know that."

"I am not dealing with my period cup in front of you," She glared at him. "Seriously, I should have some privacy during this time for me. It's weird taking care of my period in front of all of you. It's bad enough taking a shower with all of you now. I'm fine, just let me take care of my period stuff in private, please."

"It hasn't bothered us these past months, it's not going to bother us now," Corey shook his head. "Come on, let's just get this over with, I'm sure you want to get back in bed."

"Stay out here," She shook her head, "I don't want to change in front of you."

"Sorry Sweetie, but we have to follow Doc's rules," Corey shrugged. "Would you rather just take a shower and you can take care of it in there?"

"No," She shook her head, "I just want some privacy during this time for me. I am okay with the rest of the time, but I want privacy for the bathroom now. You can talk to me the entire time."

"That's fine," Owen said as he came into the room. "We can respect that, but you have to talk to let us know you are okay."

"Deal," she sighed in relief, "thank you." She rushed into the bathroom and groaned, "Can you please tell Gabe I need new clothes. God, I hate this! Guys are so fucking lucky they don't have to deal with this! It's stupid and not fair! I hate this!"

"Okay," Corey said as he grabbed his phone. "Would you like anything else?"

"Think Doc will give me a hysterectomy? This isn't fair!"

"Sorry, I doubt he will do that," Corey chuckled, "But he could probably bring you home some medicine to try and help once he is done with his shift."

"Fine," She groaned, "I guess that will work. It's still not fair."

"No, it isn't," Owen agreed.

"Here you go Trouble," Gabe said knocking on the door. He opened it just enough to stick his arm in and hand her the clothes then shut it again.

"The guys are ordering pizza and boneless wings so we can have a movie marathon in the media room when you are ready. Do you know what you want to watch?" Corey asked.

"Can we watch the Harry Potter series?" She asked as she flushed then they heard the water turn as she washed her hands.

"Yes, we can," Owen said as she opened the door and held her stomach. "Come on, let's go relax."

"Easy for you to say," She mumbled, "You aren't having your stomach be constantly stabbed with a fire poker and twisted every five freaking seconds."

"I'm sorry," He said as he picked her up. "I would take your pain if I could."

"No, you wouldn't," She shook her head. "They've done tests, it's equivalent to having a heart attack. You couldn't handle this repeatedly for over a week for every single month for decades."

"And that is one of the many reasons you are a queen to us," Victor said as Owen sat her down on the couch and Victor covered her up with her favorite blanket.

"I thought I was a princess to you," She frowned in confusion and Luke handed her some of her favorite candy while they waited for the pizza and wings to arrive.

"You are my princess," Victor chuckled, "but we treat you like the queen you are."

"Not making any sense," She mumbled as she clutched a pillow and groaned.

"Here we go Angelos Mou," Silas said as he gently picked her up and had her straddle him. "Just take it out on me. You know I can handle it." She placed her forehead on his shoulder and whimpered as she dug her fingers into his biceps. Once the cramp released she whimpered then moaned as he placed the heating pad on her back and covered them up. "Just listen to the movie and try to relax," He whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair over and over. After a few minutes he smirked when she went completely lax in his hold.

"She's asleep," North confirmed when he walked past to get a bottle of water. "Good, she needs it."

"What about the pizza and wings?" Brandon asked as he tracked it on his phone.

"Let her nap," Owen shook his head, "She can eat later. You know how much her endometriosis wears her out and affects her both emotionally and physically. Let her sleep as much as possible."

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